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Clarence Bayne
President Chair of the Secretriat of the Black Community Forum, Black Studies Center Black Community Forum
Richard Bourhis
Emeritus Professor, Département de psychologie, UQAM, Département de psychologie
Fadila Boutouchent
Professeure Agrégée, University of Regina
Emilie Bowles
Education Consultant, Riverside School Board
Douglas Brown
Dean of Pedagogical Development and Innovation, John Abbott College
John Buck
President and Chief Executive Officer, CEDEC


Nicole Carignan
Professeure, UQAM
Tya Collins
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
Celine Cooper
Managing Director, Consortium of English-language CEGEPs
Russell Copeman
Executive Director, Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA)
Chelsea Craig
Director of Operations, House of Commons
Constance Crossland
John Abbott College


John Davids
Black Community Resource Center
Anthony Di-Mascio
School of Education Bishop’s University; QUESCREN Advisory Board
Asha Dixit
Executive Director, Fraser-Hickson Institute
Dr. Patrick Donovan
Research Associate, QUESCREN
Caroline Dufour
Analyst/Researcher, Playfair Statistics
Martin Durand
Manager, Policy and Research, Official Languages Canadian Heritage; QUESCREN Advisory Board
Dannielle Dyson
project coordinator, LEARN



Cindy Finn
Director General, Lester B. Pearson School Board
William Floch
SRQEA, Ministère du Conseil exécutifSecrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise
Daisy Fry
Coordinator- Student Success, Cree School Board





Judith Kelley
Lester B. Pearson School Board
Sta Kuzviwanza
Director, Policy & Research, Provincial Employment Roundtable (PERT)
Gisele Kwiatkowski
Programs Manager, Fraser-Hickson Institute, Montreal


Anne-Marie Labbé
Adjointe exécutive, Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaise
Margo Legault
Executive Director, Literacy Quebec
Brian Lewis
Chair, ILET. Co-Director, QUESCREN, Department of Communications Studies, Concordia University; co-director, QUESCREN


Kareen Massé
Early Childhood and Mental Health Coordinator, MEPEC
Stephanie McLellan
President, Laurier Teachers Union
John McMahon
Vanier College; Consortium of English-language post-secondary institutions; QUESCREN Advisory Board
Roma Medwid
Executive Director /President, Concordia University / The Medwid Education Group
Dominique Michaud
Director, Research & Business Development, Concordia University
Brett Mitchell
Consultant, ESSB







Charles Taker
Commissioner's Representative, Quebec and Nunavut Region / Représentant du Commissaire, Region du Québec et du Nunavut, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages / Commissariat aux langues officielles
Oguzhan Tekin
Concordia University
Daria Telishewsky
Chargée de projets FACET, PÉLIQ-AN, DSRÉA MEQ
Raymond Theberge
 Commissioner of Official Languages, Office of offcial Language
Stephen Thompson
Director of Policy and Research, Government relations
Lynn Travers
Secretary, Advisory Board on English Education
Manon Tremblay
Senior Director, Indigenous Directions, Concordia University



Chad Walcott
Director of Engagement & Communications, Provincial Employment Roundtable (PERT)
Wonneken Wanske
Pedagogical Counsellor, Cegep Heritage College


Paul Zanazanian
Department of Integrated Studies in Education McGill University; QUESCREN Advisory Board

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