Cindy Finn is the Director General of the Lester B. Pearson School Board, a school board of approximately 24,000 students headquartered in Dorval, Qc. Prior to occupying her current post, Dr. Finn was Director of Student Services at LBPSB for 14 years, responsible for overseeing complementary educational services in the board’s 55 schools and centres. A school psychologist by training, she holds a PhD in Educational Psychology from McGill University. In addition to her role as President with Réseau réussite Montréal, Cindy is currently the President of the Leadership Committee for English Education in Quebec and past President of the Canadian Association of School System Administrators. She is passionate about creating and supporting healthy learning environments for students and staff.
Sessions in which Cindy Finn participates
Friday 5 November, 2021
Moderators: Debbie Horrocks, Director, The Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN)Emma Legault, Assistant Director, The Leading English Education and Resource Network (LEARN) This virtual int...
Sessions in which Cindy Finn attends
Wednesday 3 November, 2021
Welcome remarks:Lorraine O'Donnell, Research Associate, QUESCREN; Affiliate Assistant Professor, School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia UniversityWilliam Floch, Assistant Secretary, Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaise Opening Keynote AddressModerator: Brian Lewis,...
Moderator: John McMahon, Director General, Vanier CollegeSpeakers:D'Arcy Springate-Floch, Data Analyst, Playfair Statistics "Comparing the Presence o...
Here is how to connect to Agora:Agora uses the online platform Wonder. This networking platform is meant to simulate the live experience of informal networking and connecting with your peers in between sessions. The virtual room is open all day, you may revisit at any point during the day.Before joining the room...
Sustainable initiatives for the future of Quebec’s Black English-speaking communities – The Concordia Library Black community Archives: recording the Black community experience for research and evidence-based initiativesSpeakers:Alix Adrien, president, Quebec Board of Black Educators (QBBE)Clarence Bayne, Professor emeritus, Concordia UniversityDésirée Rochat, Observato...
Thursday 4 November, 2021
Alix Adrien, President, Quebec Board of Black EducatorsOnline Education - The Experience of the Quebec Board of Black EducatorsIn 2020, at the onset of the pandemic and during the lockdown, summer programs were limited to outdoor activities. The QBBE promptly transitioned its established onsite Da Costa Hall summer school program to an online platform. At the beginning of the subsequent school year, the distance learning initiative ...
Moderator: Sylvia Martin-Laforge, Director General, Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN)Speakers:Richard Bourhis, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, UQAM"On the Planned Declin...
Speakers: Brian Rock, Chairman, Committee for the Enhancement of the Curriculum of the History of Quebec Marlene Jennings, President, Quebec Community Groups Network (QCGN)
Friday 5 November, 2021
Manon Tremblay, Senior Director, Indigenous Directions, Concordia UniversityCelebrating Indigenous Languages in AcademiaAs post-secondary institutions seek to reconcile with Indigenous peoples and decolonize the academy, Indigenous languages are afforded very little attention. Universities can play a key role in fostering a ...
Moderator: Lina Shoumarova, Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator, QUESCRENSpeakers:Cathy Martin, Independent Consultant "Indigenous Education Initiatives in Quebec"
Raymond Théberge, Commissioner of Official Languages of CanadaThe Future of Education in an Official-Language Minority Setting: Demographic Change and New Points of ViewCanada’s demographic landscape is in constant evolution; it is also very different than what it was half a century ago, when the Official Languages Act was first adopted. Our population is becoming increasingly diver...