Chuck Halliday
Sessions in which Chuck Halliday attends
Wednesday 3 November, 2021
Moderator: John McMahon, Director General, Vanier CollegeSpeakers:D'Arcy Springate-Floch, Data Analyst, Playfair Statistics "Comparing the Presence o...
Here is how to connect to Agora:Agora uses the online platform Wonder. This networking platform is meant to simulate the live experience of informal networking and connecting with your peers in between sessions. The virtual room is open all day, you may revisit at any point during the day.Before joining the room...
Thursday 4 November, 2021
Speakers: Tino Bordonaro, Chair, Advisory Board on English Education Sandy Astles, Coordinator of Complementary Educational Services, Eastern Shores School Board
Moderator: Ghada Sfeir, Researcher-Member, QUESCREN, Concordia UniversitySpeakers:Maria Giammarco, Senior Lead, Research and Development, Business + Higher Education Roundtable (BHER) "Strengthening Learner Pathways...