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Kenso Yamamoto

University of Shimane

Kenso Yamamoto is a professor at the Department of International Studies, University of Shimane. He received his PhD from Hokkaido University, Japan, in 2010.

Research interests: Political Philosophy of M. Bakunin, Impacts of P. Kropotkin's works on East Asian revolutionary movements, Makhnovshchina after N. Makhno, Russian nationalists' discource on Polish and Baltic German questions in 1860s. 

Monograph: Empire, "Intrigue" and Nationalism: Russian Society and Baltic Germans in the Process of "Nation" Building, Tokyo: Hosei University Press, 2016 [in Japanese]. 

Recent works:

(Article) "Diffusion of Kropotkin’s Ideas in East Asia in the Early 20th Century: Ideology of Science and Morality." Early Japanese Socialism Studies № 29, 2021, pp. 20-34 [in Japanese];

(Item) ”Anarchism," "Nationalism-Chauvinism," Encyclopedia of Russian Culture, Tokyo: Maruzen Press, 2019 [in Japanese];

(Article) "Political Nationalism of M.N. Katkov," Russian Political Sciences, 1(6), 2018, pp. 46-52 [in Russian];

(Article) "M.A. Bakunin in Globalizing World," SOLOVYOV STUDIES, 2(54), 2017, pp. 104-110 [in Russian];

(Research Note) "Anarcho-Syndicalism Movement in Japan and "Dalian Political Prisoners' Commune": The Reminiscences of a Russian Exile, Nicholas Petrov-Pavlov," Shimane Journal of North East Asian Research, № 28, 2017, pp. 65-81 [in Japanese];

(Article) "Apology and/or Criticism of Violence: 135 years from the Birth of Korean Anarchist Shin Chaeho," Pryamukhinskie chtenia-2015, 2016, pp. 177-188 [in Russian].