About Our Logo

Here are some words from our organising committee's co-chair, Dr. Alison Rowley, on why she chose Concordia's Di-Octo sculpture as the logo for ICCEES 2020:
The ICCEES 2020 logo is a rendering of the beautiful Di-Octo sculpture that became part of the Concordia landscape in September 2017. While this work of art was officially donated to commemorate the 375th anniversary of the city of Montreal as well as the 150th anniversary of Canadian confederation, it has always meant more than that to me. I see the sculpture every time I come to campus and remain fascinated by its kinetic movement. To me, the arms of the sculpture move as if to gather people together before the pieces then launch them back into the world. In other words, the sculpture stands as a metaphor for what I believe is the mission of universities and events such as ICCEES congresses: they bring people together to exchange ideas and to learn from one another, before returning them, enriched and emboldened, to their own milieu. As such, the sculpture also offers a visual representation of the theme of our congress, Bridging National and Global Perspectives. I hope that every participant at ICCEES 2020 gets a chance to watch the Di-Octo sculpture for a few minutes and I hope it speaks to them as strongly as it does to me.
Read about the generous donation of Di-Octo by Concordia's Chancellor and his wife, Jonathan and Susan Wener, and how it came to be part of the Concordia landscape here.