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Chair Responsibilities

ICCEES panels/roundtables are 90 minutes long, and typically consist of a chair, given a total of five minutes for panel and presenter introductions; presenters on a three-person panel are given 20 minutes each; presenters on a four-person panel will have 15 minutes each; and in some instances, a discussant.

  • Make sure that the session is being recorded (unpause recording at the beginning of the session). The recording sign should be on.
  • Make sure to admit all attendees at the beginning of the session (enable waiting room).
  • Moderate Q&A or Chat at the end of the session
  • Session timekeeper (Session has to start and finish on time)

TIPS for Chairing your Session

1. Admit attendees to the room and activate Recording.

2. Introduce yourself.

3. Explain the order of proceedings of the session including timekeeping practices at the very beginning of the panel:

• This will avoid unequal time presenters; this will allow for ample time for the questions and answers period.

4. Prepare introductions for each presenter (you are responsible to collect their bios in advance).

5. We recommend holding questions until the end of all presentations.

Here is the recording of the Training for the Session Chairs that was held on July 26th, 2021
Training PowerPoint Presentation

Instructions on how to join your Zoom session(s)

Please find below the instructions on how to join your Zoom meeting sessions.

  • Before the conference, ensure that you are running the latest version of Zoom on your computer:

  • On the conference days, please make sure to log in to the ICCEES 2021 conference website.

  • Find your session in the online schedule and click on the title to see the full details of your session. If you participate in multiple sessions, you can also click on your name in the speaker section to see the sessions that are assigned to you.

  • A virtual pre-entry button will appear 30 minutes prior to your live session. Please make sure to click on this button to enter the Zoom room.

  • Please make sure to connect 30 minutes prior to your session so that we can check your connectivity.

  • A session concierge or session chair will admit you to your Zoom room and co-host privileges will be given to you.

  • All sessions will be recorded and made available after the event.


Instructions on how to join your Zoom webinar session(s)

  • First, ensure that you are running the latest version of Zoom on your computer:

  • Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the session so that we can check your connectivity and run final tests.

  • A technician will be welcoming you and answer any questions that you may have. Co-host privileges will be given to you.

  • Please do not join your Zoom webinar via the ICCEES platform but click on the link (Click Here to Join) that will be sent to you by email 24 hours before your presentation.
    The email should come from “Concordia Live Events”. If you have multiple presentations, make sure to click on the correct one. If you do not see the email in your inbox, make sure to check your junk folder. 

  • All sessions will be recorded and made available after the event.

If you have questions about the ICCEES logistics or have difficulties accessing your session, please email us at

Thank you. 

ICCEES Organizing Committee


Instructions for Session Chairs and Presenters
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