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Dr Sanami Takahashi


Curriculum Vitae


Lecturer, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies,

Kyusyu University, Japan

Tel. +81-11-706-4809




Ph D. (SLA), Hokkaido University (Japan)

“Sacred Landscape in Soviet Russia: The Role of Orthodoxy Heritage in the Culture of the Late Socialism Russia”

Academic adviser: Prof. Dr. Tetsuo Mochizuki.

(Awarded by International Institute for the Study of Religions)


M.A., History, Kyoto University (Japan)

“The Creation of the “Sacred” island Solovki: Nation Building and Memory in Post-Soviet Russia.”

Academic adviser: Prof. Dr. Yoshihiko Sugimoto.


Russian Language and Culture Institute, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


B.A., Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University (Japan)

Educational Employment

April 2019-Present Day

Lecturer, Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, Japan

October 2013-March 2019

Assistant Professor, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SRC), Hokkaido University, Japan

April 2011-September 2013

Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) in Tsukuba University, Japan

December2009-December 2010

Research Fellow, Japan Russia Youth Exchange Center in Vladimir State University, Vladimir, Russian Federation

May 2009-November 2009

Part-time Research Fellow, Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan

April 2007-March 2009

Doctoral Research Fellow, JSPS in Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University, Japan


2018 2018 The Japan Consortium for Area Studies Award for Budding Project

2012 The 8th International Institute for the Study of ReligionsEncouragement Award

2008 Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature Award



Sacred Landscape in Soviet Russia: Religious Heritage, Tourism and Nationalism under Socialism(Hokkaido University Press, 2018) (in Japanese).

Book Chapters in English or Russian

1. Такахаси С. Социология религии в Японии // Энциклопедический словарь социологии религии/под ред. М. Ю. Смирнова—СПб., Платоновское философское общество, 2017. С. 389-391.

2. Sanami Takahashi(With Noriko Maejima, and Hiroshi Kobayashi) “UNESCO World Heritage in Regional Powers: Changing Representation of Cultural Heritage of Religious Interest,” in Shinichiro Tabata ed., Eurasia’s Regional Powers Compared: China, India Russia (Routledge, 2015), pp. 222-239.

3. Такахаси С.Понятие о религии и религиозных феноменах в Японии // Феномен религии и религиозности: концептуализация в академическом философском религиоведении/ под. ред. Е.И. Аринина. Владимир.2015. С. 90-107.

4. Такахаси С.Особенности проявлений религиозности в период позднего социализма (на материалах Владимирской области) // Религия и религиозность во Владимирском регионе. Т. 2./ под ред. Е.И. Аринина. Владимир. 2013. С. 51-85.

5. Такахаси С.Туризм и паломничество во Владимирской области послевоенного периода // Паломничество и религиозный туризм: многообразие интерпретаций / отв. ред. И.Е. Викулов. Владимир. 2011. С. 179 -186.

Articleswith peer review process (selected)

1. Takahashi S. (2018):ボリシェヴィキの対ロシア正教会政策とその帰結――国教関係、教会外交、「生きた宗教」[Bolishevik policy against Russian Orthodox Church and its results: Relationship between state and church, church diplomacy and “lived religion”] Inロシア史研究第101巻 [Russian History, vol. 101], 47-60.

2. Takahashi S. (2017):レニングラードの福者クセーニヤ――社会主義体制下の聖人崇敬――[Blessed Ksenia in Leningrad: Veneration of saints under socialism]: In宗教研究第91巻、第3号[Religious Studies, vol. 91, no. 3], 25-48.

3. Takahashi S. (2016): Reexamining the Myth of the Last Tsar’s Family as a Religious Resource,” Russian Studies, Institute for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, vol. 26, no. 2, 2016, pp. 399-413.

4. Takahashi S. (2015):ブッダの世界の小さな花――エレーナ・ガンの『ウトバーラ』が描くカルムィク仏教の世界―― [A little flower in Buddha’s world: A representation of Kalmyk Buddhism portrayed in Elena Gan’s “Utballa”]: In国立民族学博物館研究報告 40巻2号 [Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology, vol. 40, no. 2.], 235-251.

5. Takahashi, S. (2014):無神論社会の中の宗教史博物館―ソヴィエト・ロシアにおける宗教研究についての一考察― [The State Historical Museum of Religion in an atheistic society: A brief look at the Religious studies in Soviet Russia]: In宗教と社会第20号 [Religion and Society, no. 20], 47-60.

6. Takahashi, S. (2014): Russian Speakers in Latgale and “the Socialist Rituals” under Socialism: InVēsture: avoti un cilvēki. XXIII zinātniskie lasījumi. Vēsture XVII [History: the Sources and Human. The 23rd scientific readings. History 17], the Daugavpils university academic publishing house “Saule,” 443-447.

7. Takahashi, S. (2012):ソヴィエト・ロシアにおける史跡・文化財保護運動の展開:情熱家から「社会団体」VOOPIKに至るまで [The development of the conservation movement for the historical and cultural monuments in Soviet Russia: From the enthusiasts to the “social organization” VOOPIK]: Inスラヴ研究第60号 [Slavic Studies, no. 60], 57-90.

8. Takahashi, S. (2012):Два типа религиозностивременпозднегосоциализма:православныеверующиевоВладимирскойобласти [The Two types of the religiosity during the late socislism: the Orthodox believers in the Vladimir region]: InГосударство,религия,церковьвРоссииизарубежом, 3-4(30) [State, Religion and Church in Russia and abroad, no. 3-4 (30)], 327-347.

9. Takahashi, S. (2011): «АндрейРублев»А.Тарковского:Интерпретациярусскойисториивконтекстесоветскойкультуры [A. Tarkovsky’s film “Andrei Rublev”: Interpretation of the Russian history in the context of the Soviet Culture]: In Acta Slavica Iaponica, vol. 29, 65-86.

10. Takahashi, S. (2010):КультурноенаследиеВалаамскогомонастырявРоссиипозднегосоциализма:туризмисоциальнаяпамять [The cultural heritage of the Valaam monastery in the late socialist Russia: Tourism and social memory]: inМихайловскиечтения:Религиозно-культурноепространстворегиона [The Mikhailov Readings: the regional Religio-cultural space], the Pomor state university press, 121-124.

11. Takahashi, S. (2009): Church or Museum?: The Role of State Museums in Conserving Church Buildings, 1965-1985: In Journal of Church and State, Oxford University Press, 51(3), pp. 502-517.

12. Takahashi, S. (2008):Интерпретацияпамятниковисторииикультурыглазами «близкогокруга»иширокойобщественности[Interpretation of historical and cultural monuments from the intimate and the public perspectives]: InВестникПоморскогоуниверситета:Сер.Гуманитарныеисоциальныенауки [Bulletin of Pomor University, Humanities and Social Sciences Series], Pomor state university press, 53-55.

13. Takahashi,S. (2008): Особенности восприятия и социальный контекст фильма А.Тарковского «Андрей Рублев» («Страсти по Андрею»)[Particularity of the perception and the social context of the film “Andrei Rublev” (The Passion According to Andrei), directed by A. Tarkovsky]; InВестникКостромскогогосударственногоуниверситетаимениН.А.Некрасова,Т. 14, no. 4 [Bulletin of the Nekrasov Kostroma state university, vol. 14, no. 4], 311-315.

14. Takahashi, S. (2008):ОбразрелигиозноголандшафтавСССРв 1965–1985годы (напримереСоловецкогомузея-заповедника) [The image of religious landshaft in the USSR, 1965-1985 (an example of the Solovetsky museum-reserve)]: InВестникЕвразии. no. 4 (42) [Eurasia Bulletin. no. 4 (42)], 9-26.

15. Takahashi, S. (2008):Пережиткипрошлогоилипамятникистарины:отношениекохранецерковныхзданий [Relics of the past, or monuments of the olden times: Respect to conservation of church buildings]: InНаукаирелигия:перспективыдиалогавсовременноммире [Science and religion: Perspectives of dialogue in the contemporary world], Volgograd state university press, 99-107.

16. Takahashi, S. (2007):「「停滞の時代」のソロフキ国立歴史建築博物館・自然公園:失われた修道院をめぐる親密圏・公共圏の語り [Solovetsky Museum-National Park in the Period of Stagnation: Narratives about the old Monastery in the Private Sphere and the Public Sphere]. In:ロシア語ロシア文学研究第39号[Bulletin of the Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature, no. 39], 92-99.

(Awarded by Japan Association for the Study of Russian Language and Literature)

17. Takahashi, S. (2007):「聖地」ソロフキにおける公的記憶(public memory)形成のダイナミズム [Dynamism in the formation of public memory in the “sacred” site Solovki]. In: 20世紀学研究 第8号 [Twentieth Century Studies, no. 8], 61-82.

18. Takahashi, S. (2006):Динамикаформированияобщественнойпамяти (public memory) [Dynamism in the formation of public memory]. In: Свеча-2006. Истоки: религия и личность в прошлом и настоящем [Candle-2006.Sources: religion and personality in the past and the present], Vladimir state university press, 274-292.

19. Takahashi, S. (2005):ОбразСоловецкихострововуяпонцевиобзорихбудуще­гоисследованиявЯпонии [The image of the Solovetsky islands in Japan and an overview of its further research in Japan].In:Свеча-2005. Истоки: религия и лич­ность в прошлом и настоящем [Candle-2005.Sources: religion and personality in the past and the present], Vladimir state university press, 230-238.