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We are honoured to have these Keynote Presenters at SALTISE 2021.

Nadia Bhuiyan
Vice-Provost, Partnerships and Experiential Learning, Concordia
Scott Freeman
Teaching Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
Prof. Dr Manu Kapur
Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education, ETH Zurich
Prof. Armin Weinberger
Professor of Educational Technology at Saarland University, Saarland University

Invited Presenters

We are honoured to have these special guests as our SALTISE 2021 Invited Presenters.

Salma Abu Ayyash
Learning Incubator Fellow, Harvard University
Anka Lekhi
Assistant Professor of Teaching, University of British Columbia
Kelly Miller
Harvard University
Matthew Ohland
Purdue University
Sidney Omelon
McGill Faculty of Engineering
Christian Schunn
University of Pittsburgh
James D. Slotta
University of Toronto
Jaclyn Stewart
Associate Professor of Teaching, UBC Vancouver
David Topps
Medical Director, OHMES, University of Calgary


Our Very special Presenters!

Rhys Adams
Vanier College
Rhonda Amsel
McGill University
Rosie Arcuri
Adaptech Research Network
Janette Barrington
Education Consultant, McGill University Office of Science Education
Alexandre Bédard
Lecturer and research assistant, UQAM
Teresa Berghello
John Abbott College
Elena Boldyreva
University of Toronto
Yann Brouillette
Chemistry Professor, Dawson College
Wilma Brown
John Abbott College
Veronique Brule
McGill University
Tim Campbell
Vanier College
Robert Cassidy
Concordia University
Liz Charles
Dawson College (SALTISE)
Lawrence Chen
McGill University
Derrick Chung
John Abbott College
Warren Code
Associate Director, Science Centre for Learning and Teaching, University of British Columbia
Stephen Cohen
Physics Teacher, Vanier College
Andrea Cooperberg
John Abbott College
Sylvia Cox
Dawson College
Ann-Louise Davidson
Concordia University
Whittley Deleveaux
McGill University, Canada
Maxime Denis
Assistant Professor, McGill University, Dept. of Biochemistry
Joseph Dent
McGill University
Myriam Dimanche
Project Coordinator, DawsonAI, Dawson College
Michael Dugdale
John Abbott College
Nathalie Duponsel
Concordia University
Prof. Mayy ElHayawi
Associate Professor and Educational Technology Consultant
Susan Elmslie
Dawson College
Cynthia Feng
McGill University
Jennie Ferris
Academic Associate, McGill University
Catherine Fichten
Prof Dawson College, Dawson College Adaptech Research Network
Eric Francoeur
École de technologie superieure
Scott Freeman
Teaching Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
Stephanie Granger
Visual Arts Teacher, Cégep marie-victorin
Iris Guo
University of British Columbia
Alice Havel
Adaptech Research Network
David Hoida
Pedagogical Counsellor & Instructor, Vanier College
Sean Hughes
Instructor - Science Program Coordinator, John Abbott
Physics teacher and SALTISE Fellow, John Abbott College
Houda Jawhar
Instructional designer , Concordia University
Krista Johansen
Tufts University School of Medicine
Mary Jorgensen
Adaptech Research Network
Prof. Dr Manu Kapur
Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education, ETH Zurich
Patti Kingsmill
Pedagogical Support and Innovation, Vanier College
Gregor Kos
Lecturer, Concordia University
Bojana Krsmanovic
Graduate Student, Concordia University
Anne-Marie Lafortune
Cegep de la Gaspesie et des iles
Jason Lapointe
John Abbott College
Maggie Lattuca
Associate Director, Online Programs Portfolio, McGill University
Anick Legault
Psychology Faculty & Researcher, Dawson College
Anka Lekhi
Assistant Professor of Teaching, University of British Columbia
Meghan Marshall
Marianopolis College
Jen Mitchell
Vanier College
magdalena mlek
Nursing Faculty, Dawson College
Toby Moneit
Vanier College
Hélène Nadeau
Dawson College
Nadia Naffi
Assistant Professor, Laval University
Anuli Ndubuisi
University of Toronto
Lissiene Neiva
Vanier College
Claire Norman
Undergraduate Honours Student Research Assistant, McGill University
Nick Park
Vanier College
Claire Paton
BEd and BSc Honours Student Researcher, University of Calgary
Marie-Claude Petit
Chargée de cours, École des sciences de la gestion UQAM
Costanza Piccolo
University of British Columbia
Christina Popescu
McGill University
Georg Rieger
University of British Columbia
Kauthar Rifi
Dawson College
Heather Roffey
Vanier College
Pat Romano
Dawson College
Julie Rose
Research Professional & PhD Student, UQAM
Ana Ruiz Alonso Bartol
Ph.D. Student in Spanish Linguistics, University California, Davis
Claudia Sanchez-Gutierrez
University of California, Davis
Ivan Savov
Minireference Co.
Leslie Schneider
Visual Classrooms, Inc.
Christian Schunn
University of Pittsburgh
Carolyn Sealfon
Physics Teaching Faculty, University of Toronto and Ronin Institute
kim simard
Dawson College
James D. Slotta
University of Toronto
Kira Smith
McGill University
Jaclyn Stewart
Associate Professor of Teaching, UBC Vancouver
Henry Tsang
Assistant Professor / Registered Architect, Athabasca University RAIC Centre for Architecture
Kristal Turner
MA Student, University of Calgary
Shaun Turney
McGill University
Emily Tyhurst
University of Toronto
Claire Walker
McGill University
Prof. Armin Weinberger
Professor of Educational Technology at Saarland University, Saarland University
Tamara Western
McGill University
Joel Wiebe
University of Toronto
Susie Wileman
Dawson College
Lesley Wilton
University of Toronto
Laura Winer
McGill University
Michael Wood
PhD Candidate, Dept. Chemical Engineering, McGill University
Hongxin Yan
Athabasca University
Armin Yazdani
McGill University
Ivry Zagury-Orly
Université de Montréal
Chao Zhang
McGill University
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