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*Only publicly viewable people appear on this list. You can adjust this from the My Settings section of your profile.


Salma Abu Ayyash
Learning Incubator Fellow, Harvard University
Beth Acton
John Abbott College
Rhys Adams
Vanier College
Jenn Adams
University of Calgary
Sonia Aguilar Sanchez
Concordia University
Maryam Ahmadi
Concordia University
Suchit Ahuja
Concordia University
Judith Ainsworth
McGill University
Giulia Alberini
McGill University
kawther Al Hamza
Psychologest , ALmana General Hospital
Sarah Allen
Dawson College
rebecca allsopp
Vanier College
Azzam Alobaid
Applied & Analytical Linguist, Educational Technologist, JNU
Micheline Ammar
adult education
Rhonda Amsel
McGill University
Sarah Anthony
McGill University
Tetyana Antimirova
Ryerson University
Alicia Apostolakos
Instructional Designer, Concordia University
Anne Archambault
Concordia University
Rosie Arcuri
Adaptech Research Network
Amanda Argento
John Abbott College
mandana armer
Heritage College
Edward Awad
Vanier College


Jamie B
Babak Bagheri
University of Toronto (OISE)
Patrizia Barbone
Marianopolis College
Gavin Barill
McGill University
Isabelle Barrette-Ng
University of Windsor
Janette Barrington
Education Consultant, McGill University Office of Science Education
Nathalie Bastien
Fédération des cégeps - Réseau REPTIC
Dianne Bateman
Champlain College Saint-Lambert
Dana Bath
Vanier College
Madeleine Bazerghi
Dawson College
Rene Beauparlant
Alberta Teachers Association
Alexandre Bédard
Lecturer and research assistant, UQAM
Ute Beffert
John Abbott College
Caroline Begg
McGill University
Elaine Bélanger
Cégep marie-victorin
Annie Bélanger
Champlain St.Lawrence
Philippe Bélanger Roy
Collège Lionel-Groulx
Berenger Benteux
Université de Sherbrooke
John Bentley
Senior Instructional Developer, Concordia Centre for Teaching and Learning
Mireille Bentz
Cégep André-Laurendeau
Teresa Berghello
John Abbott College
Torsten Bernhardt
McGill University
Stephanie Bernier
Amélie Bérubé
John Abbott College
Sophie Besselle
Pedagogical advisor, College Lasalle
Veronic Bezaire
Carleton University
Sameer Bhatnagar
Dawson College
Valerie Bherer
John Abbott College
Rohan Bhutkar
McGill University
Tianyi Bi
McGill University
Kurt Binnie
Lester B. Pearson School Board
Suzanne Black
John Abbott College
Wendy Blake
Dawson College
Sherry Blok
Concordia University
McGill University
Rose Bloom
Vanier College
Elena Boldyreva
University of Toronto
Suéli Bonafim
Chief of Operations, SALTISE
patricia bondu
Dawson College
Devshikha Bose
Boise State University
Myriam Bouchard
Heritage College
Dawson College (SALTISE)
cynthia boulanger
Marianopolis College
Dominique Bourcier (admin)
Event Coordinator, Concordia University
Stephan Bourget
Physics & Sustainability Teacher, Vanier College
Christopher Bourne
Champlain College, Lennoxville
Daniel Bourry
Cégep du Vieux Montréal
Murray Bronet
John Abbott College
Rebecca Brosseau
McGill University
Yann Brouillette
Chemistry Professor, Dawson College
Wilma Brown
John Abbott College
Gordon Brown
John Abbott College
Veronique Brule
McGill University
Stephanie Brunet
Marianopolis College
Krista Bulow
Dawson College
Alexandra Bunge
Cegep Heritage College
Eva Mary Bures
l'Université Bishop's
Eric Burkholder
Stanford University
Garrick Burron
University of Toronto
Mauricio Buschinelli
John Abbott College
Joan Butterworth
Leadership Training Facilitator & enabler of Fun , McGill University
Meral Buyukkurt
Concordia University


Ciser Cabarcas
Dawson College
Xuan Cai
University Of New Hampshire
Angelica C Calcagnile
Concordia University
Marcela Calderón
National University of Colombia
Patricia Campbell
Dawson College
Tim Campbell
Vanier College
Judith Cantin
Polytechnique Montreal
Daniela Caputo
Montreal Event Planner
Saul Carliner
Professor, Concordia University
Dominic Carmichael
Champlain College
dominic carmichale
Champlain College
Renato Carvalho
University of Toronto
Priscila Castillo Ruiz
Champlain College St Lambert
Carre Catherine
Poltechnique Montreal
Amanda Cervantes
McGill University
Jasmin Chahal
McGill University
lucia chamanadjian
McGill University
Vandana Chandrasekhar
McGill University
Liz Charles
Dawson College (SALTISE)
Susan-Blanche Chato
Champlain College Saint-Lambert
Lawrence Chen
McGill University
Lorraine Chiarelli
Instructional Designer, Concordia University
Lucien Chiasson
Dawson College
Tanya Chichekian
Université de Sherbrooke
Lilian Childress
McGill University
Purna Chowdhury
Heritage College
Derrick Chung
John Abbott College
Alison Clark
Champlain College Saint-Lambert
Marie-Pierre Clavette
Enseignante, Cégep de Victoriaville
Sharon Clegg
Dawson College
Warren Code
Associate Director, Science Centre for Learning and Teaching, University of British Columbia
Stephen Cohen
Physics Teacher, Vanier College
Philippe Colas
Université Concordia
David Colatriano
Biology Teacher, Marianopolis College
Terri Connolly
Champlain College, St. Lawrence
Wheeler Conover
Southeast Kentucky CTC
Andrea Cooperberg
John Abbott College
Elana Cooperberg
Vanier College
Caroline Cormier
Cégep André-Laurendeau
Marc Cousineau
John Abbott College
Lynn Coward
Champlain College Saint Lambert
Sylvia Cox
Dawson College
Antonio Crespo
IEEE Education Society
Sylvie Croteau
Cégep de Granby
Alison Crump
Marianopolis College
Alicia Cundell
Teaching Consultant, Concordia University
Ian Cuthbertson
Dawson College


Robert David
Université de Montréal
Ann-Louise Davidson
Concordia University
Alan De Aguiar Lopes
Concordia University
Lisa Deguire
Cegep de Jonquiere
Yannick Delbecque
Cégep de Saint-Laurent
Whittley Deleveaux
McGill University, Canada
Maxime Denis
Assistant Professor, McGill University, Dept. of Biochemistry
Joseph Dent
McGill University
Lindsey Depledge
University of Michigan
Miranda de Saint-Rome
University of Toronto
Valérie Deschênes
Cégep de St-Félicien
Francis Deshaies
Collège Lionel-Groulx
Sacha Des Rosiers
Dawson College
James Dhaliwal
Concordia University
Leigh Dickson
Project Analyst, McGill University
Myriam Dimanche
Project Coordinator, DawsonAI, Dawson College
Marie-Eve Dion
Cégep André-Laurendeau
Tannia Ditchburn
Vanier College
Louis-Philippe D. Lefebvre
Cégep de l'Outaouais
Eva Dobler
Teaching and Learning Consultant, McGill University
Mark Driscoll
McGill University
Cathy Dufour
Cegep Heritage College
Michael Dugdale
John Abbott College
Nathalie Duponsel
Concordia University
Nicolas Duxin
Collège Dawson


Wendy Eberle
John Abbott College
Yara El Ayoubi
Université de Montréal
Prof. Mayy ElHayawi
Associate Professor and Educational Technology Consultant
Susan Elmslie
Dawson College
Sarah Enright
Wilfrid Laurier University
Sarah Etezadi
Marianopolis College


Cynthia Feng
McGill University
Dan Ferguson
Purdue University
Jennie Ferris
Academic Associate, McGill University
Catherine Fichten
Prof Dawson College, Dawson College Adaptech Research Network
Adam Finkelstein
Associate Director, Learning Environments, McGill University Teaching and Learning Services (TLS)
Joel Fitleberg
John Abbott College
Gabriel Flacks
Champlain College
Justin Fletcher
Faculty Liaison Coordinator, Teaching, Learning and Technology, University of Toronto
Celina Fleury-Gow
Cegep Heritage College
Mihaela Flueraru
Carleton University
Ken Fogel
Dawson College
Teacher - Chemistry, Vanier College
Emma Fortier
Dawson College
Theodore Fox
Concordia University
Eric Francoeur
École de technologie superieure
Scott Freeman
Teaching Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
Marc Fricker
Heritage College


Anna Gagliardi
Dawson College
Julie Gagné
Enseignante de français, Cégep Vanier
Deema Galambo
Concordia University
Laure Galipeau
Dawson College
Tatiana Gallien
Dawson College (SALTISE)
Cristina Galofre Gomez
Instructional Designer, Concordia University
Jeff Gandell
Dawson College
Vanessa Gangai
Dawson College
Hélène Gaonac'h
Dawson College
Geoffroi Garon-Épaule
Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne
Hamed Ghanati
McGill University
Philippe Ghayad
Dawson College
Shaden Ghazal
Educational Technology Specialist, Concordia
Ioana Gheta
McGill University
Dennis Giannacopoulos
McGill University
Christine Gibb
University of Ottawa
Natalie Gibb
Cegep Heritage College
Thomas Gibbons
The TEFL Academy
Alison Gibbs
University of Toronto
Chantale Giguère
French Faculty and Co-coordinator of E-learning CoP, Dawson College
Loretta Gillis
Cégep André-Laurendeau
Cathy Giulietti
Dawson College
Megi Gjoni
McGill University
Paula Glasgow
Montessori Teachers College
erin goldstein
Champlain College
Anil Kishor Gollapudi
Carleton University
Richard Gonzalez
Life University
Vanessa Gordon
Dawson College
Gabrielle Graceffa
John Abbott College
Stephanie Granger
Visual Arts Teacher, Cégep marie-victorin
Bette Grant
Concordia University
Madoka Gray-Mitsumune
Cocordia University
Audrey Greenberg
John Abbott College
Christopher Gregg
Vanier College
Jessika Groleau
Collège de Bois-de-Boulogne
Marie-Eve Groulx
Cegep Heritage College
Angela Guadagno
Academic Associate, McGill University
Joanne Guay
Cégep Vanier
Dario Guiducci
Faculty (Anthropology) & SALTISE Fellow, John Abbott College
Iris Guo
University of British Columbia


Dawson College
Matthew Hachey
Dawson College
Teresa Hackett
John Abbott College
Wendi Hadd
John Abbott College
Julia Hall
Vanier College
Selma Hamdani
Dawson College
Lisa Hanna
McGill University
Carrie Hanson
Skills Development Officer, McGill
Jill Harrington
McGill University
Kirsti Harris
Online Course Designer, McGill University
Maegan Harvison
Concordia University
Sara Hashem
Curriculum and Faculty Development, Champlain College Saint-Lambert
Alice Havel
Adaptech Research Network
Carol Hawthorne-Laliberte
Curriculum Developer, Concordia University
Marc Heitz
Cégep du Vieux Montréal
Ahmad Hemami
Part-time Faculty, Concordia University
Ahmad Hemami
McGill University
Antoine Herlin
John Abbott College
Mari Heywood
Dawson College
Samia Hilal
Marianopolis College
Meganne Hirsch
McGill University
Yotam Hod
University of Haifa
Yael Hoffman
Dawson College
Beatriz Hoffmann-Kuhnt
Concordia University
David Hoida
Pedagogical Counsellor & Instructor, Vanier College
Cimminnee Holt
Concordia University, Montreal
Hocine Houili
Collège Lionel-Groulx
Michelle Hoyt
Heritage College
Grace Huang
University of Toronto (OISE)
Katelynn Hubenig
University of Calgary
Ed Hudson
chemistry teacher, John Abbott College
Sean Hughes
Instructor - Science Program Coordinator, John Abbott
Yvonne Hung
McGill University
Derek Hunt
Faculty Liaison, Teaching, Learning and Technology, University of Toronto
Pascal Huynh
Champlain College
Lindsay Hyland
Carleton University
Arlene Hyland
Dawson College


Einat Idan
Dawson College
Imma Ienaro
English Montreal School Board
Siara Isaac
école polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Alice Isac
Concordia University
Ghina Itani
Wilfred Laurier Iniversity
Joss Ives
University of British Columbia
Rekha Iyer
John Abbott College
Osarugue Ize-Iyamu
University of Toronto


Physics teacher and SALTISE Fellow, John Abbott College
Julie Jacob
Cégep Édouard-Montpetit
Natasha Jacobson
McGill University
Houda Jawhar
Instructional designer , Concordia University
Tawfiq Jawhar
Dawson College
Marie-Eve Jean
Cégep de Saint-Hyacinthe
David Jennings
Assit Prof/Ed Developer, UCD
Lori Jinbachian
Marianopolis College
Krista Johansen
Tufts University School of Medicine
Quinn Johnson
Champlain Saint Lawrence
Carol Johnson
Concordia University
Bailee Johnson
McGill University
Lee Anne Johnston
Lee Anne Johnston Educational Consulting Services
michelle johnstone
Concordia University
Mary Jorgensen
Adaptech Research Network
Ane Jorgensen
Dawson College
Marie-Christine Joseph
Fédération des cégeps


Onur Kapdan
Cegep John Abbott College
Oxana Kapoustina
McGill University
Prof. Dr Manu Kapur
Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education, ETH Zurich
Samira Karim
Concordia University
Adya Karthikeyan
Polytechnique Montreal
Jim Katz
John Abbott College
Rumdeep Kaur
Bhairab Ganguly College
Ramandeep Kaur
Dawson College
Tamara Kecman
University of Toronto
Victoria Kerr
University of Toronto
Joanne Kettner
Champlain College- Saint Lambert
Azra Khan
Dawson College
Rubaina Khan
University of Toronto
Inho Kim
University of Toronto
Patti Kingsmill
Pedagogical Support and Innovation, Vanier College
Elizabeth Kirkland
Dawson Collage
Laura Kissin
English Montreal School Board
Robert Koffler
Lasalle college
Marie Korczak
Wilfrid Laurier University
Gregor Kos
Lecturer, Concordia University
Penelope Kostopoulos
Marianopolis College
Helena Kovacs
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Emi Koyanagi
Cegep Heritage College
Wolfgang Krotter
College Lasalle
Bojana Krsmanovic
Graduate Student, Concordia University


Vincent Laberge
Conseiller technopédagogique, Université de Montréal
Therese Laferriere
Université Laval
Anne-Marie Lafortune
Cegep de la Gaspesie et des iles
Nathalie Lajoie
Cégep de Chicoutimi
Janie Lalonde
John Abbott College
Sean Landsman
Carleton University
Simon Langlois
College Marie-Victorin
Lucie Lapierre
College Lasalle
Jason Lapointe
John Abbott College
Gabriel Larco
John Abbott College
Karl Laroche
Vanier College
Maggie Lattuca
Associate Director, Online Programs Portfolio, McGill University
Mathieu Lavoie
Concordia University
Maria Lavoie
Dawson College
Sébastien Lavoie-Magoon
Concordia University
Céline Lebel
Marianopolis College
Catherine LeBel
Dawson College
Patrick Lebonnois
Collège Lionel-Groulx
Antoine, Assistant
Polytechnique Montreal
Cory Legassic
Faculty, Humanities/Sociology, Dawson College (SALTISE)
Anick Legault
Psychology Faculty & Researcher, Dawson College
Anne Marie Legault
Dawson College
Chloe Lei
Concordia University
Anka Lekhi
Assistant Professor of Teaching, University of British Columbia
Kevin Lenton
Vanier College
Karina Leonard
Dawson College
Carmen Leung
Chemistry Faculty and Enriched Science Co-coordinator, Dawson College
Chris Levesque
John Abbott College
Reisa Levine
Dawson College
Kayla Lewis-Thelusmon
Concordia University
Andre Liberati
McGill University
Alexander Liepins
Academic Associate, McGill University
Gemabelle Ligardo
Dawson College
Julia Lijerón
Dawson College
Anna Limanni
University of Toronto
Carol Linder
NM Highlands University
remi LITL
LITL - Concordia
Maggie Livingstone
Marianopolis College
Alison R. Loader
Concordia University
Katherine Logue
McGill University
Catherine Loiselle
Collège Lionel-Groulx
Caitlin Loney
Vanier College
Monica Lopez
Dawson College
Carolina Lopez Trevino
Concordia University
Thomas Lornsen
Champlain College Saint-Lambert
Hakim Loudyi
CEGEP Vanier College
Xun Lu
Alexandra Luce
Mercyhurst University


Alana MacDonald
Secondary Teacher, Laurier University
Ian MacKenzie
Dawson College
Maureen Mac Mahon
Dawson College (SALTISE)
Susan Mac Neil
Editor, Profweb-Collecto
Antonia Macris
Concordia University
Veronica Madonna
Athabasca University
Adam Maloney
Heritage College
Eve Marchand-Gagnon
Cégep Édouard-Monpetit
Sarah Marshall
Doctoral Scholar, McGill University
Meghan Marshall
Marianopolis College
Margo Marszalek
Champlain College- Saint Lambert
Dominique Martin
Concordia University
Susan Martin Kaller
Champlain Regional College- Saint Lambert
Nicola Martino
Dawson College
Jules Massé
Cegep saint-jean-sur-richelieu
Ronald Mayne
Life University
Erin McDonagh
Teaching and Learning Planner, McGill University Teaching and Learning Services (TLS)
Allan McDonald
Professor, Computer Science, Heritage College
Tracey McKee
John Abbott College
Justine McLellan
Dawson College
Alice McLeod
John Abbott College
Sherry McMillan
Dawson College
Heather McPherson
McGill University
James Meanwell
McGill University
Pankaj Mehrotra
University of the People
Danica Meredith
Constellations consulting company
Louise Meunier
Queen's University
Mike Meyer
Michigan Technological University
Evangelos Milios
Kelly Miller
Harvard University
Tim Miller
Dawson College
Roxane Millette
John Abbott College
Rebecca Million
Dawson College
Johnathan Mina
Lasalle college
Jen Mitchell
Vanier College
magdalena mlek
Nursing Faculty, Dawson College
Toby Moneit
Vanier College
Theresa Moore
Wartburg College
catherine moore
Dawson College
Samantha Morley
Champlain College
Gabriella Mosquera
Madona Moukhachen
College Ahuntsic
Martha Mullally
Carleton University
Kim Muncey
Vanier College
Patricia Murphy
Dawson College


Hélène Nadeau
Dawson College
Nadia Naffi
Assistant Professor, Laval University
Chirine Nassar
Concordia University
Anuli Ndubuisi
University of Toronto
Lissiene Neiva
Vanier College
Jodi Nieuwendyk
Wilfrid Laurier University
Liliya Nikolova
Professor Engineering Technologies, John Abbott College
Jaya Nilakantan
Dawson College
Claire Norman
Undergraduate Honours Student Research Assistant, McGill University
Catherine Nygren
Champlain Regional College - St Lambert


Matthew Ohland
Purdue University
Natalie Olanick
Dawson College
Katrina Olsen
McGill University
Magdalena Olszanowski
John Abbott College
Christina Oltmann
John Abbott College
Julie-Eve O'Meara
Collège de Rosemont
Sidney Omelon
McGill Faculty of Engineering
Champlain College St Lambert
Sun Ooi
University of Toronto
Maria Orjuela-Laverde
McGill University
Ezgi Ozyonum
Concordia University


Patrik Pallagi
University of Toronto
Andreea Panait
Dawson College
Jasmine Parent
Learning Technology Consultant, McGill University
Elizabeth Park
Chaminade University of Honolulu
Nick Park
Vanier College
erin parsons
McGill University
Leigh Partington
English Montreal School Board
Claire Paton
BEd and BSc Honours Student Researcher, University of Calgary
Gaby Patulli
Vanier College
Louise Paulauskas
Dawson College
Louise Paulauskas
Dawson College
Lisa Peldjak
Cegep Heritage College
David Pelletier
Cégep de Rimouski
Renee Pellissier
McGill Faculty of Engineering
Yide(Ian) Peng
University of Toronto
Brock Pennington
John Abbott College
Olivia Pereira
John Abbott College
Michel Perrier
Polytechnique Montreal
Andrew Petersen
University of Toronto Mississauga
Marie-Claude Petit
Chargée de cours, École des sciences de la gestion UQAM
Dan Petrescu
McGill University, Canada
Karen Petty
Heritage College
Nicola Philpott
Champlain College St-Lambert

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