Joel Trudeau
Since 2004, I have taught in the Physics Department at Dawson College. In 2007 I founded SPACE (Sciences Participating with Arts and Culture in Education), an initiative that seeks to expand academic discussion and collaboration across and within disciplines at Dawson College and beyond. I am also project lead of the DawsonAI initiative, responsible for coordination in support of various dossiers including curriculum and program development, research, outreach, and community partnerships. My work in education lies in the domain where sciences, arts and technology overlap. Over the years I have been involved with a variety of STEM Education research projects, focussing on design-based, active and experiential learning. With my collaborators I am committed to the enterprise of creating Education 4.0 learning experiences that develop critical technical and transversal skills to address the needs of Industry 4.0, and prepare learners for the intellectual intensity of 21st century work.