Diane Gérin-Lajoie
Sessions in which Diane Gérin-Lajoie attends
Wednesday 3 November, 2021
Welcome remarks:Lorraine O'Donnell, Research Associate, QUESCREN; Affiliate Assistant Professor, School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia UniversityWilliam Floch, Assistant Secretary, Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaise Opening Keynote AddressModerator: Brian Lewis,...
Moderator: Nicholas Salter, Executive Director, Provincial Employment Roundtable (PERT)Speakers:Constance Crossland, Pedagogical Counsellor and Douglas Brown, Dean of Car...
Sustainable initiatives for the future of Quebec’s Black English-speaking communities – The Concordia Library Black community Archives: recording the Black community experience for research and evidence-based initiativesSpeakers:Alix Adrien, president, Quebec Board of Black Educators (QBBE)Clarence Bayne, Professor emeritus, Concordia UniversityDésirée Rochat, Observato...
Thursday 4 November, 2021
Speakers: Tino Bordonaro, Chair, Advisory Board on English Education Sandy Astles, Coordinator of Complementary Educational Services, Eastern Shores School Board
Friday 5 November, 2021
Raymond Théberge, Commissioner of Official Languages of CanadaThe Future of Education in an Official-Language Minority Setting: Demographic Change and New Points of ViewCanada’s demographic landscape is in constant evolution; it is also very different than what it was half a century ago, when the Official Languages Act was first adopted. Our population is becoming increasingly diver...