Sheryl Hayes
I am so pleased to represent Eastern Shores School Board as the Preschool Consultant! This is a dossier that I hold close to my heart, and a milieu that I have been involved with for over fifteen years. Whether it be through the capacity of teacher, mentor, or consultant, I have immensely enjoyed working with the MEQ curriculum, and creating engaging and educational programming for the preschool learner. I am excited to share my knowledge with teachers, and guide in facilitating practice, pedagogy, educational process, (and of course) play, to the best of my abilities.
Sessions in which Sheryl Hayes attends
Wednesday 3 November, 2021
Welcome remarks:Lorraine O'Donnell, Research Associate, QUESCREN; Affiliate Assistant Professor, School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia UniversityWilliam Floch, Assistant Secretary, Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaise Opening Keynote AddressModerator: Brian Lewis,...
Here is how to connect to Agora:Agora uses the online platform Wonder. This networking platform is meant to simulate the live experience of informal networking and connecting with your peers in between sessions. The virtual room is open all day, you may revisit at any point during the day.Before joining the room...
Moderator: John McMahon, Director General, Vanier CollegeSpeakers:D'Arcy Springate-Floch, Data Analyst, Playfair Statistics "Comparing the Presence o...
Moderator: Laura Thompson, Project Manager, Literacy Quebec Speakers:Margo Legault, Executive Director, Literacy QuebecWendy Seys, Executive Director, Yamaska Literacy CouncilThe panel will be composed of Wendy Seys, Executive Director of Yamaska Literacy Council and Margo Legault, Executive Director of Literacy Quebec. These two presenters will offer dif...
Thursday 4 November, 2021
Alix Adrien, President, Quebec Board of Black EducatorsOnline Education - The Experience of the Quebec Board of Black EducatorsIn 2020, at the onset of the pandemic and during the lockdown, summer programs were limited to outdoor activities. The QBBE promptly transitioned its established onsite Da Costa Hall summer school program to an online platform. At the beginning of the subsequent school year, the distance learning initiative ...
Speakers: Tino Bordonaro, Chair, Advisory Board on English Education Sandy Astles, Coordinator of Complementary Educational Services, Eastern Shores School Board
Here is how to connect to Agora:Agora uses the online platform Wonder. This networking platform is meant to simulate the live experience of informal networking and connecting with your peers in between sessions. The virtual room is open all day, you may revisit at any point during the day.Before joining the room...
Friday 5 November, 2021
Moderator: Lina Shoumarova, Knowledge Mobilization Coordinator, QUESCRENSpeakers:Cathy Martin, Independent Consultant "Indigenous Education Initiatives in Quebec"
Moderator: Anthony di Mascio, Professor, School of Education, Bishop's University Speakers:Gary Purcell, Project Coordinator, The Suspicious Fish Creative Literacy Organization
Raymond Théberge, Commissioner of Official Languages of CanadaThe Future of Education in an Official-Language Minority Setting: Demographic Change and New Points of ViewCanada’s demographic landscape is in constant evolution; it is also very different than what it was half a century ago, when the Official Languages Act was first adopted. Our population is becoming increasingly diver...
The Education and Vitality Forum will conclude with an informal virtual discussion among participants about what they found interesting and engaging during the conference and what are some of their takeaways from this event.