Daria Telishewsky
Sessions in which Daria Telishewsky attends
Wednesday 3 November, 2021
Welcome remarks:Lorraine O'Donnell, Research Associate, QUESCREN; Affiliate Assistant Professor, School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia UniversityWilliam Floch, Assistant Secretary, Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d'expression anglaise Opening Keynote AddressModerator: Brian Lewis,...
Thursday 4 November, 2021
Alix Adrien, President, Quebec Board of Black EducatorsOnline Education - The Experience of the Quebec Board of Black EducatorsIn 2020, at the onset of the pandemic and during the lockdown, summer programs were limited to outdoor activities. The QBBE promptly transitioned its established onsite Da Costa Hall summer school program to an online platform. At the beginning of the subsequent school year, the distance learning initiative ...
Friday 5 November, 2021
Manon Tremblay, Senior Director, Indigenous Directions, Concordia UniversityCelebrating Indigenous Languages in AcademiaAs post-secondary institutions seek to reconcile with Indigenous peoples and decolonize the academy, Indigenous languages are afforded very little attention. Universities can play a key role in fostering a ...