Keynote _ How Digital Tools Have Reshaped Everyday Work in Academia
My Session Status
9:00 AM, Friday 10 Feb 2023
(45 minutes)
Virtual session
This session is in the past.
The virtual space is closed.
Using "a day in the life" format, this session looks at how digital tools have shaped and reshaped the work of faculty, students, and administrators. Specifically, it looks at the typical software a faculty member, a staff member, and a student might use in one typical day in 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018, and 2023. In doing so, this session provides a reflection on the evolving impact of digital tools in the life of higher education, the triumphs and challenges along the way, and reflects on which digital tools were flashes in the pan and which ones have become institutionalized and part of everyday life.
Who's Attending
Nathalie Blais
Concordia University
Natalie Roper
Institute for Co-operative Education
Cathryn Somrani
Change Management Lead
Esther Ste-Croix
Concordia University
Nilushi Kumarasinghe
Concordia University
Wendy Ing
Concordia University
Caroline Guay
Concordia University
Ming Xia
IITS, Concordia University
Kate Robayo Sheridan
Concordia University
Deborah Dayan
Concordia University-Montreal
Emmanuelle Hoarau
Records Management Officer
Records Management and Archives Department, Concordia University
Nancy Favron
Concordia University
Gabrielle Bedard
Yexing Luo
Concordia University
Oswaldo Toledano
Concordia University
Gabriela De Risi
Concordia University