Wendy Ing
Sessions in which Wendy Ing attends
Thursday 9 February, 2023
Need to send out a single survey where users can choose to answer in English or French (or another language)? It's easy with MS Forms! This session will share some best practices in setting up multilingual surveys using MS FormsPlease click
Friday 10 February, 2023
Using "a day in the life" format, this session looks at how digital tools have shaped and reshaped the work of faculty, students, and administrators. Specifically, it looks at the typical software a faculty member, a staff member, and a student might use in one typical day in 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018, and 2023. In doing so, this session provides a reflection on the evolving impact of digital tools in the life of higher education, the triumphs and challenges ...
Basic introduction of Qualtrics, how to build a survey, where to find training & resources.
Learn how to use Power BI to create analytical visualizations and dashboards based on data in the Institutional Data Space (IDS). An introduction to Power BI will be provided and the steps to build a simple visualization using SIS source data will be demonstrated. No experience in Power BI is required.
In French, the doublet (e.g., étudiantes et étudiants) is often used instead of the masculine form. Although long and sometimes impractical, this helps make our communications more inclusive. For contexts where the space is restricted, the truncated form - la forme tronquée ou doublet abrégé - (e.g., étudiant.e.s) is now commonly used. In this presentation, we'll discuss current trends and limi...
Data analytics is the process of examining data sets in order to find trends and draw conclusions about the information they contain. It has become the most important tool in any auditor’s tool box. In the past, audits were done with the use of statistical sample, today, we are able to examine full population data and identify anomalies in a matter of minutes.In the session, I will provide 3 ex...