Chantal Bellemare is the Lead UX/IA Designer for the University Communications Services (UCS). She's been with Concordia since 2011. She is interested in everything directly or indirectly related to improving the user experience on websites.
Sessions in which Chantal Bellemare participates
Friday 10 February, 2023
In French, the doublet (e.g., étudiantes et étudiants) is often used instead of the masculine form. Although long and sometimes impractical, this helps make our communications more inclusive. For contexts where the space is restricted, the truncated form - la forme tronquée ou doublet abrégé - (e.g., étudiant.e.s) is now commonly used. In this presentation, we'll discuss current trends and limi...
Sessions in which Chantal Bellemare attends
Thursday 9 February, 2023
One of the greatest challenges with developing digital skills is figuring out what you need to learn and to what extent. This session provides a framework for guiding you through both challenges. Specifically, by the end of this session, you should be able to (1) use a search strategy that identifies the types of ...
In the context of increasingly affordable (but not universal) access to digital equipment and technologies, virtual and hybrid events have become more prevalent. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual and hybrid events have become not only commonplace but are the domina...
Find out how to make your document compatible with screen readers and text-to-speech software. In this presentation, you will learn how to make your Word and PowerPoint documents accessible and how to export them to PDF. Topics covered will include: headings, contrast, colour, links, images, and tables. In a few simple steps you will ensure that everyone can access your documents.
Friday 10 February, 2023
Using "a day in the life" format, this session looks at how digital tools have shaped and reshaped the work of faculty, students, and administrators. Specifically, it looks at the typical software a faculty member, a staff member, and a student might use in one typical day in 1998, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2018, and 2023. In doing so, this session provides a reflection on the evolving impact of digital tools in the life of higher education, the triumphs and challenges ...
Are you struggling with managing your overflowing emails? Are you trying to control the emails in your inbox with no avail? Are you tired of always typing the same response over and over?In the session, you will learn Outlook functionalities which will address those issues, save you time and help you manage your emails effectively.