Christopher Alleyne
Sessions in which Christopher Alleyne attends
Thursday 9 February, 2023
One of the greatest challenges with developing digital skills is figuring out what you need to learn and to what extent. This session provides a framework for guiding you through both challenges. Specifically, by the end of this session, you should be able to (1) use a search strategy that identifies the types of ...
What began as a blind date has turned into a long-term relationship! Concordia’s Udemy pilot is now an ongoing subscription. In this session we will provide an overview of Udemy Business, which provides Concordia community members with 24/7 access to on-demand learning on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, with access to over 7500 + courses across a variety of topics including:P...
In this dynamic digitalized world, it is pretty essential to understand and properly address our "digital identities". Better awareness of that may help us to take better decisions on privacy and security.For example, in recent times at Concordia community, we have often been impacted by scam attempts through e-mails or other ways. While systems and policies are always trying to protect us from such risks, our awareness can saf...
This session will introduce participants to online platforms used to provide access to RMA digital resources. During the session, participants will become familiar with searching for digital archives across the following platforms: AtoM, Internet Archive, and Archive-It. The proposed session will include short live demos to demonstrate search and browse functionality. It is hoped this session w...
Find out how to make your document compatible with screen readers and text-to-speech software. In this presentation, you will learn how to make your Word and PowerPoint documents accessible and how to export them to PDF. Topics covered will include: headings, contrast, colour, links, images, and tables. In a few simple steps you will ensure that everyone can access your documents.
Friday 10 February, 2023
Have you been in situation where you are you working with an application which you have little experience? Or have had to refresh your knowledge due to change in process?Join us in this session to learn about our adoption tool.Interested in learning how to use this tool, so you have at your fingertips the instructions and the documentation in the moment of need.
During my session, I will show a live demonstration of how using a digital Kanban board can help with project management. I will go into detail regarding some of the principals of an Agile framework, a framework which Kanban follows. Kanban boards are an easy way to visualize to-do lists and help break down bigger projects into smaller, more manageable pieces.Please click
Are you struggling with managing your overflowing emails? Are you trying to control the emails in your inbox with no avail? Are you tired of always typing the same response over and over?In the session, you will learn Outlook functionalities which will address those issues, save you time and help you manage your emails effectively.
You probably routinely use spell check and grammar check on documents to ensure they are error free. Do you, however, accessibility check? Accessible documents and content are of vital importance for people with disabilities, and are also helpful for everybody. And ensuring accessibility can be as straightforward as ensuring zero spelling errors using spell check! This session walks you through...
This session will cover Teams features specific to organizing and managing private and channel meetings in Teams. The relationship between Teams and other MS 365 applications and services will be presented in the context of Teams meetings (Forms, Stream, OneDrive, SharePoint, Outlook).Topics will include:- how to schedule meetings from Outlook and Teams - What is the difference between notific...
In French, the doublet (e.g., étudiantes et étudiants) is often used instead of the masculine form. Although long and sometimes impractical, this helps make our communications more inclusive. For contexts where the space is restricted, the truncated form - la forme tronquée ou doublet abrégé - (e.g., étudiant.e.s) is now commonly used. In this presentation, we'll discuss current trends and limi...
An overview of the current cybersecurity landscape and how is Concordia impacted.From theory to practice, through the cybersecurity trenches, based on facts and stats, the most common threats, how Concordia fights to protect its community, and how everyone can help.
Yammer is a social networking tool to openly connect and engage across your organization. Learn to discover and engage communities so you can discuss ideas, share updates, and network with others.