Richard F. Schmid is a Full Professor of Education at Concordia University. He was Department Chair for almost 20 of his 43 years at Concordia. The Department of Education is similar in structure to Faculties of education, with four sub-departments, 13 graduate and undergraduate programs, 50 full time faculty, over 100 part time instructors, and ten staff. His research interests include the uses of technology for learning especially at the postsecondary level. He leads the educational technology strand of the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance, and has undertaken major systematic reviews of technology integration in tertiary learning environments. A 2014 meta-analysis involving over 1000 studies examines technology integration in post-secondary contexts, demonstrating that the key to effectiveness is the pedagogy. His textbook: Educational Psychology: Reflection for action addresses all the issues related to education in Canada, including learning, motivation, environment and school management. He has supervised over 60 doctoral and Master’s theses.