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Session 6B: Best practices French second-language Acquisition for integration into Québec’s labour market

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10:45 AM, Friday 3 Nov 2023 (1 hour 15 minutes)
LUNCH   12:00 PM to 01:15 PM (1 hour 15 minutes)
Adult education/adult learnersFrench languageEmployability

Moderator: Sta Kuzwianza, Provincial Education Roundtable (PERT) 


Abbey McGugan, Advisory Committee for English-speaking Quebecers (ACESQ)

Alisha Gibson, CLIC Le réseau linguistique

Grace Labreche, LAB Centre de Langues - Collège LaSalle

The Provincial Employment Roundtable (PERT) is conducting a series of qualitative studies on best practices for French second language (F2L) training for adults to integrate into Québec’s labor market. Throughout this research, we have consulted with community partners and stakeholders in Québec’s F2L for adults ecosystem. This panel discussion brings together select members of these subject matter experts to discuss best practices in second language acquisition. The panel is composed of an F2L teacher, a school board administrator, a pedagogical consultant, and a service provider, all with direct experience and knowledge in French second language training for adults. 

The panel presentation will begin with a brief presentation of PERT’s preliminary research findings. Then the panel members will discuss best practices based on their expertise and practical experience, followed by a discussion with the audience.

The roundtable will share community knowledge with the goal of advocating for the English-speaking community’s access to French language training in Québec.  

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