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Anita Aloisio
Research Associate, Concordia University
Amanda Argento
Pedagogical Development and Innovation Specialist, John Abbott College


Shannon Bell
Research Associate, QUESCREN, Concordia University
Amy Bilodeau
Program Manager Youth & Mental Health, CHSSN
Richard Bourhis
Emeritus Professor, Département de psychologie, UQAM, Département de psychologie
Cathy Brown
Executive Director, Regional Development Network
Douglas Brown
John Abbott College
John Buck
President and Chief Executive Officer, CEDEC
Noel Burke
Founder and Lead Designer, NEXTschool
Savanna-Jae Busia
ABC Life Literacy Canada
Lynn Butler-Kisber
Professor of Education, McGill University


Thais Cattani Perroni
English Content Coordinator, Éducaloi
Megan Chartrand
Program coordinator, Canadian Parents for French
Melinda Clifford
Ministère de l'Éducation
Emma Cognet
Network Coordinator, 21st Skills Century, Students Commission of Canada / Bishop's University
Celine Cooper
Managing Director, Consortium of English-language CEGEPs
Andrea Cooperberg
Pedagogical Counsellor, John Abbott College
Russell Copeman
Executive Director, Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA)
Julia Crowly
Provincial Employment Roundtable


Roxanne Desforges
Founding Partner, Pure & Applied
Asha Dixit
Executive Director, Fraser-Hickson Institute
Dr. Patrick Donovan
Research Associate, QUESCREN
Benoît Dubreuil
Commissaire à la langue française
Martin Durand
Manager, Policy and Research, Official Languages Canadian Heritage; QUESCREN Advisory Board
Dannielle Dyson
project coordinator, LEARN



Cindy Finn
Director General, Lester B. Pearson School Board
Colin Fitch
Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec
Oliver Fitzpatrick
Young Carers Coordinator, AMI-Quebec


Philippe Gagné
Enseignant, Vanier college
Morgan Gagnon
Provincial Employment Roundtable
Alisha Gibson
Head of Content and Training, CLIC Le réseau linguistique
Pierre-Luc Girard
Ministère de l'Éducation
Brigid Glustein
agente de développement, Réseau réussite Montréal
Vanessa Gold
Research Coordinator McGill University, NEXTschool
Hamid Golhasany
researcher, McGill University -
Ana Gomez
Office Coordinator and Community Knowledge Open Library (CKOL) Project Officer, QUESCREN, Concordia University
Eric Grimstead
Cree School Board


Taharima Habib
Taharima Habib Consulting
Teresa Hackett
Research Officer, Cegep John Abbott College
Chuck Halliday
Coordinator of Community & Business, (Continuing Education Department), New Frontiers School Board
John Halpin
John Abbott College
Debbie Horrocks
Director, LEARN
Anna Hunt
Event manager, QUESCREN
Rachel Hunting
Manager of Regional Development, Regional Development Network



Nikitasha Kapoor
Founding Partner, Pure & Applied
Judith Kelley
Lester B. Pearson School Board
Gisele Kwiatkowski
Programs Manager, Fraser-Hickson Institute, Montreal


Grace Labreche
College Lasalle
Chantal Laurin
English Community Organization of Lanaudière
Thomas Ledwell
Ledwell Strategies
Louis-Pierre Légaré
Ministère des Finances
Kate Le Maistre
Advisory Board on English Education (ABEE)
Michelle Lepitre
Interim Executive Director, Townshippers' Association
Brian Lewis
Chair, ILET. Co-Director, QUESCREN, Department of Communications Studies, Concordia University; co-director, QUESCREN
Tanya Linkletter
Riverside School Board
Robin Long
Provincial Vocational Training Education Consultant, Provincial Organization of Continuing Education Directors English (PROCEDE)
Lisa Lorenzetti
Advisor, English Content Development and Spokesperson, Alloprof


Natasha MacDonald
Riverside School Board
Kareen Massé
Early Childhood and Mental Health Coordinator, MEPEC
Cyril Massoud
Patrimoine canadien (PCH)
Mr. Hugh Maynard
President, Qu'anglo Communications
Abbey McGugan
Research Coordinator, Comité consultatif des Québécoises et Québécois d'expression anglaise
Conner Mc Levy
Provincial Employment Roundtable
John McMahon
Director General, Vanier college
Trevor Mercer
Cree School Board
Helen Meredith
Canadian Heritage
Dominique Michaud
Director, Research & Business Development, Concordia University


Christine Nairn
Cree School Board
Thérèse Nguyen
Data Ambassador, Statistics Canada


Lorraine O’Donnell
Research Associate and Affiliate Assistant Professor, QUESCREN, Concordia University


Andrew Palucci
Seniors Action Quebec
Rodolphe Parent
Commissaire à la langue française du Québec
Alex Pettem
Executive Assistant, Y4Y Quebec
Joseph Junior Pierre
Ministère des Finances
Maria Popica
Professeure-chercheuse, Département de français, John Abbott College
Eric Prusila
Program Manager, English Community Organization of Lanaudière


Alexandre Renaud
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages (OCOL)
Maria Rizk
English Montreal School Board
Guy Rodgers
What We Choose To Remember Productions
Christa Romaldi
The Students Commission of Canada
Joanne Ross
Manager, John Abbott College
Ralph Rouzier
Ministère des Finances


Laurent Saint-Jacques
Conseiller en développement des communautés, Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise
Nicholas Salter
Executive Director, Provincial Employment Roundtable
Allison Saunders
Lester B Pearson School Board
Richard Schmid
Concordia University
Rebecca Schwarz
Champlain College Lennoxville
Zuzana Sevcikova
Creative Arts Therapist, Lester B. Pearson School Board; Concordia University
Linda Shohet
LPS Consulting
Lisa Shortt
Ministère des Finances
Roberta Silerova
John Abbott College
Julia Sotousek
Ministère des Finances


Charles Taker
Commissioner's Representative, Quebec and Nunavut Region / Représentant du Commissaire, Region du Québec et du Nunavut, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages / Commissariat aux langues officielles
Lynn Travers
Secretary, Advisory Board on English Education


Regina Uyoga
Outreach & Liaison Coordinator, MEPEC


Bobbie Variantzas
Project Coordinator, LEARN


Adrienne Winrow
Executive Director, Y4Y Quebec
Brian Woods
Vice Principal, Howard S. Billings High School


Tracy Yeung
Conseillère en développement des communautés et de l’employabilité, Ministère des Finances


Antonia Zannis
Quebec Association of Independent Schools (QAIS)

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