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Session 5: Keynote Address: Minorities, Minoritization, and the Education of African, Black, and Caribbean Diasporic Youth

Decorative image for session Session 5: Keynote Address: Minorities, Minoritization, and the Education of African, Black, and Caribbean Diasporic Youth

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9:00 AM, Friday 3 Nov 2023 (1 hour)

Tya Collins, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa

Moderator: John Davids, Research Coordinator, Black Communities Resource Centre

This keynote address delves into issues faced by Quebec English-speaking communities through the lens of the education of Black children and youth. Firstly, I provide a comprehensive overview of the existing literature about the members of these diverse communities (emphasis on plural), which sheds light on their common socio-academic challenges, disparities, assets, and achievements, as well as their unique perspectives. To nuance this general portrait, I then provide a specific example through a presentation of a recent study I conducted on how these youth come to be placed in special education in English-speaking contexts. A contrasted analysis reveals a striking gap between personnel and student understandings of the process, which can be linked to adverse student experiences. Overall, this discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding and supporting minorities within a minority, to promote vitality for all students. 

Tya Collins

Keynote speaker

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