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Session 3D: LIGHTNING TALKS (3-minute presentations + Q&A)

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1:30 PM, Thursday 2 Nov 2023 (1 hour 15 minutes)
LiteracyTeachersVocational trainingInclusion

Format: 3-minute presentations followed by a group Q&A period.


Digital Literacy and Trade Training - Robin Long, Lester B Pearson School Board and the Provincial Organization of Continuing Education Directors, English (PROCEDE)

Digital literacy skills are evolving in the context of Industry 4.0, but they remain vague in the trade world. What digital skills are expected of entry-level tradespeople? 

The Digital Competency Framework (MEES, April 2019) provides a guide to the concepts, with examples applied to a learning and teaching context, but it primarily focuses on educational needs. Vocational teachers face challenges in understanding the framework and applying it to the current trade reality, as many of them learned their trade before the introduction of the internet, mastered trade skills before the integration of digital collaboration tools, and became trade teachers before smartphones became ubiquitous professional tools.

In this Lightning Talk, I propose a discussion on the current state of digital literacy integration in vocational training and the digital literacy needs and expectations of tradespeople. I believe that, by identifying the digital literacy needs of the trade sectors and creating an applied framework that can be connected to the program of study, vocational training will provide better training to meet the expectations of the trade workforce.


Scattered: Automatic Neurodivergent Expression - Sampreet Arneja, Concordia University

Scattered is a project that aims to employ automatic writing techniques used in poetry to delve into a deeper conversation with oneself. Through the practice and development of these techniques, we aim to foster introspection and mindfulness. Scattered workshops will be conducted throughout summer 2023 in English-speaking communities and will be open to all ages. The Scattered techniques are particularly effective for Neurodivergent individuals, as they provide a means to channel chaotic thoughts into the creation of introspective art.


Creating Authentic French-Learning Opportunities Outside of the Classroom - Megan Chartrand, Canadian Parents for French

Canadian Parents for French is a nationwide, research-informed, volunteer organization that furthers bilingualism by promoting opportunities to learn and use French for all those who call Canada home. One of our most important goals is to create authentic and accessible learning opportunities for youth and their parents to practice their French outside of the classroom. Our programming is designed to connect language learners with the wider Francophone and Francophile community, combat linguistic insecurity, and create fun, accessible learning opportunities.

This lightning talk will present what that programming is, why we take the approach that we do, and encourage you to participate in the future!


Teacher Retention Through Upskilling and Recognition - Roxanne Desforges, Pure & Applied

After conducting research into the needs of Quebec school boards and teachers, we are developing a solution to support them. This innovation will be the result of ongoing collaboration and consultation with all 9 English school boards and 2 Centres de Service Scolaire. The talk will share the findings of the needs research and the scoping of a solution in partnership with the provincial ecosystem. Finally, we will invite attendees to get involved. 


Québec Relations: Facilitating Access to Provincial Funding for English-Language Arts Communities - Nick Maturo, English-Language Arts Network (ELAN)

Since its launch in 2018, the English-Language Arts Network's Québec Relations project has sought to facilitate access to provincial funding for Quebec's English-language arts community. The project began from the hypothesis that many in the community are reticent to apply for funding in Quebec (e.g. Conseil des arts et lettres du Québec) compared to federal sources (e.g. Canada Council) and therefore require additional resources and encouragement to do so.

The initial phase of the project began with extensive research to document both the funding needs and application experiences of artists and organizations, and all relevant funding programs offered by Quebec's ministries and arts councils. This resulted in the Québec Relations searchable online funding platform, which launched in March 2020 and features over 250 grant and residency programs. The platform summarizes key eligibility information and, wherever necessary, provides an English translation.

This presentation will discuss the project and its impact on the community.

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