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Dr. Yoko Iwasaki

Associate Professor
Kyoto-saga Art College, Kyoto, Japan


Curator of the olfactory art exhibition

Researcher in the French aesthetics, olfactory art, and Kôdô

Associate professor of Kyoto-saga Art College (Kyoto, Japan)

Representative of the research society of taste and smell, and Perfume Art Project

Born in Kyoto Japan, based in Kyoto, Japan

Yoko Iwasaki laid the foundations of her research in the theory of the body found in French philosophy and aesthetics. She has studied various theories of art through the philosophies of Merleau-Ponty, Bergson and Levinas. At the same time, she pays attention to the senses of smell and taste, which are not included in the theory of the body, and has developed a theory and practice of these in relation to contemporary art. She is also familiar with the traditional Japanese art of Kodo.

Her practical research, especially on the sense of smell, has expanded and she conducts international interdisciplinary research with researchers from different fields, including neuroscience, psychiatry, nursing, psychology and tourism. She not only constructs olfactory aesthetics and curates olfactory art exhibitions, she also conducts a wide range of research activities and social practices, including the construction of reminiscence methods using scent art, the development of olfactory-training digital games for dementia prevention and the development of smell-scape tourism.
