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I am a moderator, what do I do? 

Session moderators should join the call 15 minutes early and speak to the assistant who will be hosting the call. The assistant will play the prerecorded talk or enable co-host for each presenter for live presentations. During the presentation, audience members will be invited to (1) ask questions through the Zoom chat function or wait for the end of each presentation to ask in person (by using the “raise hand” feature). The session moderator will curate the questions or call on audience members to ask their question. The assistant will assist with unmuting participants as needed. 

In the event, that anything disrupts the assistants, we request that the moderator serve as a backup. The moderator will be made a co-host, will have the ability to share their screen (for this, toggle on “Share Computer Sound”) and play the videos off Vimeo live, or could simply instruct the audience to watch the talks on their own through Vimeo and reconvene at a specific time for Q&A. Every moderator should have the email for their assistants with the backup email for the organizers. If you do not have this by May 5th, 2021, please email

Instructions for Moderators