Ximena Arizaga
Professor at the School of Architecture of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in the area of Architecture and Landscape; Doctor in Architecture and Urban Studies from the same university. Master in Landscape Design, Planning and Management from the Universidad Central (European Alfa Program); Master in Applied Economics for Public Policies (Universidad Alberto Hurtado and Georgetown University at Ilades). Architect from the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette (ENSAPLV). Lines of research: the valuation and management of cultural and natural heritage; territorial planning; and the study of urban spaces for everyday life. My research focuses on the study of the concept of ambiance as a tool for the understanding of public spaces; and, on the concept of "planning for the activation of the tourist territories", which I develop with Osvaldo Moreno and has been published in the book "Ruta Provincia de Chañaral, Planificación y Gestión para el desarrollo turístico del territorio" and presented in seminars in Barcelona, Agadir, Madrid and Chile.