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Alys Avalos-Rivera

she, her, hers

Academic English Lecturer

Alys Avalos-Rivera has worked as an English teacher educator, EAP instructor, and curriculum developer in Mexico, The United States, and Canada. As a teacher educator, she has conducted research on the development of foreign language teachers’ identity, focusing on novice in-service teachers. Her work at Vantage College has contributed to enhance her interest in the development of academic literacy among first-year undergraduate students. In her current research, she is exploring the application of functional grammar approaches to support the development of novice academic writers’ engagement of other voices into their texts, as they develop a voice of their own.

Sessions auxquelles Alys Avalos-Rivera assiste

Jeudi 29 Avril, 2021

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
8:40 AM
8:40 AM EDT - 8:55 AM EDT | 15 minutes

Joignez-vous à nous pour les discours d'ouverture des membres du comité organisateur, de Graham Carr, recteur et vice-chancelier de l'Université Concordia, et de Cynthia Eid, vice-présidente de la Fédération internationale de professeurs de français.

9:00 AM
9:00 AM EDT - 10:30 AM EDT | 1 heure 30 minutes
9:00 AM EDT - 9:30 AM EDT | 30 minutes

Mike Barcomb & Walcir Cardoso, Concordia University, Canada Title: Training Pre-Service Teachers to Customize Digital Materials for Second Language Instruction: Exploring approaches to design and perceptions of customization Keywords: Mobile and Computer-Assisted learning; teacher training; gamifi...

10:45 AM
10:45 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT | 1 heure 15 minutes

Cynthia Eid, Professeure-Chercheuse, Doyenne de l'École de formateurs, Directrice de la pédagogie et de l'Innovation, Groupe IGS, Paris-Lyon et Toulouse, France. Vice-présidente de la Fédération internationale des professeurs de français.Titre: De l’innovation pédagogique à la transformation de la didactique des langues secondes : quels vecteurs d’apprentissage apprivoiser?Résumé:

Vendredi 30 Avril, 2021

Fuseau horaire: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10:45 AM
10:45 AM EDT - 12:00 PM EDT | 1 heure 15 minutes

Greg Kessler, Professor of Instructional Technology at the Patton College of Education, Ohio University, United States. Editor of the CALICO Equinox book series, Advances in CALL Practice & Research.Title: Innovation and the future of language teaching Abstract:T...

2:15 PM
2:15 PM EDT - 3:15 PM EDT | 1 heure