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poniedziałek 12 czerwiec, 2023

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsHelp! I have an online exam!Manasvini NarayanaWhat are we measuring, when we measure engagement?Theo StojanovReflective learning using an ePortfolio in a science seminar courseKatie Lucas For the full abstract of the presentations, please refer to the

9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

The story of Interprofessional Education: Designing a program within programsTim Miller and Krista BulowDiscover how a team of medical technology teachers has been able to design an Interprofessional Education approach to teaching across their 7 programs. Hear directly from the team on how they found creative solutions around common barriers and how these have directly influenced some the more impactful learning opportunities for the students.&nbsp...

9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Implementation of Case Studies in Scientific DisciplinesBeth Acton and Tania PeresCase studies provide an authentic learning activity by stimulating students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. This workshop will guide science teachers in successfully integrating case studies into their curriculum by providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the best practices for case study design and implementation. During the worksho...

9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Students Living with Chronic Pain: Visualizing Invisible Barriers to Learning Using Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality Valerie Bourassa and Hannah DerueIn this Demonstration/Performance Showcase, we wish to invite participants to visit the virtual reality creations inspired by the experience of chronic pain, designed by students and faculty at McGill University. We will be using a virtual reality Oculus set and the program Tilt Brush to illustra...

9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsFrom conception of engineers to conception in teaching: what conditions for the training of future teachers?Abir Ouerhani, Fatima Bousadra, Nicolas-Félix Lacombe and Elijah Van HoutenAssessing the understanding of uncertainty using the CDPA in undergraduate physics laboratory courses at McGill UniversityMatheus Azevedo Silva Pessôa, Rebecca Brosseau, Kenneth Ragan, Lilian Childress and Arm...

10:45 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

La créativité pour métisser nos pratiques : un empuissancement pédagogiqueStéphanie Granger and Caroline ChouinardThis workshop visually explores the inner world of others through an interdisciplinary approach that interweaves two disciplines in a pedagogical conversation to stimulate creativity as a process with hands-on material. Specifically, participants extract the key elements of a classic letter, reinvest them in inventive writing, sketch contemporary ...

10:45 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Getting back to basics: Connecting through notebook makingMelissa Rivosecchi, Aeron MacHattie and Muhammad OwaisBooks are an ancient form of technology that has remained central to human culture for thousands of years. Join us to learn about the basic elements of book binding and come away with two notebooks that you have created yourself. We will explore traditional methods of book binding and decoration and will also discuss ways to incorporate emerging tec...

10:45 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

OPIEVA's Chatbot: for a portrait of interactivity in assessmentMarie-Claude Petit, Julie Rose, Séverine Locret, Diane Leduc and Chantal TremblayThe Interuniversity Observatory of Innovative Practices in Learning Assessment (OPIÉVA [Observatoire interuniversitaire sur les pratiques innovantes d’évaluation des apprentissages]) is organizing a symposium to present the design, development, testing and implementation of its first automated conversation tool or cha...

10:45 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsWindows, mirrors and sliding glass doors: Leveraging community partnerships to provide authentic learning experiences in secondary education Emily Di Nunzio and Isabella LiuSupporting collaborative learning about Nature of Science and science identity development in a high school Biology class in OntarioElena Boldyreva, Maria Niño-Soto and James D. SlottaAI ...

10:45 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsDesigning Inquiry-Based Pedagogies for STEM Education: Connecting Theory and Practice Shanmugavalli Narayanan and Anila AsgharThe role of the teacher in a project-based course in higher educationHélène Nadeau and Sylvia CoxDesigning and implementing a case-based instructional approach to a microeconomics course based on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learni...

10:45 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsAdaption and Co-regulation of Classroom Engagement in a Grade-Eight Knowledge Community: Co-designing Scripts, Roles, and TechnologyJoel Wiebe, Emilia Martin and Jim SlottaFostering Adolescents’ Self-Directed Learning Through Making: The Development of an Integrated ModelHeather Pearson and Adam DubeResources Mobilized to Notice Responsive Teaching in Mathematics...

10:45 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Designing Online Interactive Simulations for LearningCamila Lee, Preeti Raman and Justin ReichThis mini-workshop introduces the SALTISE community to Teacher Moments, an interactive digital clinical simulation platform that immerses educators in depictions of classroom life through video, audio, text, images, and animations. Participants are guided by AI agents to improvisationally respond to difficult moments in teaching through recorded audio and text. With ...

12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 1:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 30 min.
1:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 1:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 15 min.
1:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 3:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Link to join the live stream: “Educators collaborating to innovate: The roles digital technologies can play”As blended learning is now ...

3:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 15 min.
3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Teaching Inclusive Teaching Strategies: A Game-Based ApproachMichael Reese and Reid SczerbaThis session will present an approach for teaching research-based, inclusive-pedagogical strategies in any modality. This approach is based on a card deck inspired by game design. The presenter will describe the approach and then model the workshop for participants so they can incorporate the approach in their academic departments and faculty development programs. The p...

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsIt IS Rocket Science Lee Zentner and Khash AfsharFacilitating Active Learning in a 200-Student Introductory Physics CourseGarrick Burron and Carolyn SealfonLa problématisation dans l’enseignement des sciences et des technologies : de la théorie à la pratiqueNicolas-Félix Lacombe, Fatima Bousadra, Abir Ouerhani and Elijah Van Houten...

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

2 PresentationsDesigning for Collaborative Design-Based Research within a University Teacher Education Context Marta Kobiela, Enista Sharonne Chiniah, Midhat KiyaniCollaborative Curriculum Visioning and Analysis using CourseFlowEva Mary Bures For the full abstract of the presentations, please refer to the

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

La schématisation: exemples pratiques orientés vers le développement du jugement  clinique de l'étudiant(e)Ondina Galiano and Lucie Giguere KolmentIl y aura premièrement une présentation de l’état des connaissances actuelles concernant la schématisation. il y aura une présentation et participation active sur des exemples de la schématisation qui illustreront comment faire des liens, intégrer vers la pratique du jugement clinique. F...

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Designing Inquiry-Based Labs for Physics and Biology: Lessons learned from practitioner-researcher partnershipsRhys Adams, Karl Laroche, Elizabeth Charles, Kevin Lenton, Michael Dugdale, Sean Hughes, Caroline Cormier, Véronique Turcotte and Chao ZhangWe report on two Inquiry-Based Laboratory (IBL) based practitioner-researcher partnerships. Our IBL implementations have evolved over 2-3 semesters, resulting in (1) a four-module sequence that culminates in a de...

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsLa passion : un vecteur d’apprentissage ?!Julie Gagné, Philippe Gagné and Avery RuebLeveraging Blended Learning for Enhanced Student Outcomes: An Interdisciplinary RoundtableNeerusha Baurhoo, Kevin Casey, Elena Naidenova and Nicholas ParkIntegrating policy, principles, and practice in assessment to promote equity and healthy learning environments...

4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 15 min.
4:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 5:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz.

wtorek 13 czerwiec, 2023

Strefa czasowa: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

A hands-on educational kit showcasing ethical and responsible use of AI to solve a societal issueMeghrig Terzian, Mauricio Buschinelli, Ann-Louise Davidson, Kristen Irvine and Tarik BikhandafneThis activity is a practical demonstration for teachers in STEM of how ethical and responsible AI can be used in the classroom to tackle a societal issue. Participants will use a Raspberry PI and sensors to read data and make AI decisions. The activity is one of three p...

9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsCollaboration Nurtures Grassroots Professional Development  Rebecca Peters and Chloé CollinsI-MersionCP : un dispositif de formation et de recherche pour les personnes conseillères pédagogiques du supérieurFlorian Meyer, Christelle Lison, Sonia Proust-Androwkha, Félix Arguin, Constance Denis and Elsa PaukovicsUse of Educational Technology in Resource Constra...

9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Everything You Wanted to Know About Blended Learning but Were Afraid to AskDaniel GoldsmithThis workshop will give a general overview of what blended learning is (and, perhaps more importantly, what it is not). We will explore how blended learning can be inspired and informed by active learning pedagogy. By the end of the workshop, I hope to leave you with some tools that you can use to craft a blended and/or active lesson and integrate it into your courses.

9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsTeachers as video game designers: A collective autoethnography of our experiences, challenges, and triumphs Neerusha Baurhoo-Gokool, Jason Lapointe and Terry SaropoulosThree Semesters in Minecraft: Lessons Learned from a Fully Flipped Online ClassDarren Wershler, Bart Simon and Stuart ThielJeux sérieux en réalité virtuelle pour apprendre les sciences : de la...

9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsDévelopper ses compétences informationnelles à l’aide de WikipédiaDominic Hébert Sherman and Christine MarquisLeveraging knowledge synthesis practice for research skill development in undergraduate science coursesMacdonald Heather and Véronic BézaireCommunicative Competence: The role of Grammar in Teaching English as a Second LanguageMohammed Mar...

9:00 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 10:15 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Promoting agency for pedagogical change through a science undergraduate education research course Maxime Denis, Iris Guo, Anita Parmar, Pepin Megane, Samuel Richer and Tamara WesternExecuting pedagogical change in a scholarly manner with all partners at the table is challenging. The McGill University course FSCI 396 – Research in Science Teaching and Learning pairs undergraduate students with faculty to delve into the pedagogical literature to design and...

10:45 PRZED POŁUDNIEM EDT - 12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Link to join the live stream: “Overcoming Challenges in Active Learning Environments”Despite active learning being recognized as a superior method of instruction in the classroom, most c...

12:00 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 1:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 30 min.
1:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 2:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Visual Classrooms: Leveraging Web-based Technology to Enhance Collaborative LearningLeslie Schneider, Alice Cherestes and Krista JohansenVisual Classrooms is a research-validated active learning platform to help students learn new skills, content, and concepts and practice applying them with a community of peers. The platform’s shared interactive collaboration space makes it easy for students to record and discuss their thinking on sticky-note-like posts usin...

1:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 2:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Top Hat in action: Using technology to create engaging learning experiences in and outside the classAdina GrayThis workshop aims to provide educators with the knowledge and skills to effectively use Top Hat – a powerful technology platform- to engage their students and promote active learning. By the end of the workshop, participants will understand how to use Top Hat to create interactive readings and assignments outside of class, as well as how to use polls...

1:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 2:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Teaching to the Text Generation Generation Robert Stephens and Joel TrudeauWith all the media hype about how A.I. text generation systems such as ChatGPT are ushering in a new era of rampant student plagiarism and possibly the “end of homework”, many educators and wondering if they need to radically reshape their methods. In this symposium, members of the DawsonA.I. Community of Practice will demonstrate how text generation can be engaged proactively in ...

1:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 2:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsFormal fun: Eduhack as an Enzymatic Initiative for Substantiative ChangeAmarachi Onuorah, Ferdinand Ochor and Vidya SujayaL’intégration du multiculturalisme dans un cours d'introduction à l’énergie en ligne: Stratégies et leçons de l’expérienceGanna Pletnyova, Ethan Boechler, Sylvie Musongela, Rodrigo Verney Lopes Castello Branco and Jason M.K.C. DonevCross-disci...

1:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 2:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsDétection des risques d’échec et d’abandon dans des cours d’informatiqueGagnon Iannick, Eric Francoeur, Amel Guedidi and Normand RoyContending with the challenge of qualitative assessment at scale—Learnings from the implementation of two different approaches to application-based group projects in a large-scale freshman physics course for Life Sciences students Rebecca Brosseau and Nik...

1:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 2:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsProfiter pleinement du potentiel des téléphones intelligents dans sa pratique pédagonumériqueRyan W. Moon and Kim BurtonInfluential Trends: Information for Faculty Concerning Technologies for Students with Disabilities Catherine Fichten, Alice Havel, Christine Vo and Guissou Iravani-ManeshAccessible from the Outset: Embedding Universal Design for Learning Pr...

2:45 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 30 min.
3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Augmenting place: Centering student work in the creation of AR Cité, an augmented reality appNancy Rebelo and Reisa LevineImagine if our city could speak… what secrets would be revealed?Over the past two years, students and faculty from a range of disciplines have been building AR Cité, an augmented reality app that brings to life stories from in and around Dawson College. Members of the production team will discuss the challenges and opportunities in ...

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Facilitating Engagement, Empathy and Critical thinking through the use of videogames in a College ClassroomJohnathan Mina and Pascale WarmoesThis project, which received the 2021 PREP research grant, investigates the use of entertainment-based videogames as an educational tool in CEGEP courses. Our research measures whether the videogames we choose had a measurable impact on our student’s critical thinking skills and empathy levels in both a Humanities and th...

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsLearning From Tool-Building: The Activity Theory Case For Agile Development of Education TechnologyJeremie ChoquetteCurious, Concerned, Confused? The need for AI Literacy for Educators Lesley Wilton, Rutwa Engineer, Stephen Ip, Clare Brett and Athena TassisAnimate to Teach and Gamify to Practice: Utilizing Authoring Tools to Create Unique E-Learning Experien...

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 PresentationsLa contribution d’une communauté de pratique sur la classe inversée pour les infirmières enseignantes d’un établissement en enseignement supérieurOndina GalianoCan survey data support instructors in creating learning environments that are conducive to student well-being? Janette Barrington, Kira Smith, Pallavi Sirjoosingh, Laura Pavelka, Stephen George, Elizabeth Webb and Marcy Slapco...

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

3 Presentations"Group First" - New methods of two-stage exams implementation in organic chemistryLaura Pavelka, Chuxuan Nie and Sophia TuchCollaborative quizzes on- and off-line in introductory geneticsEmma Tomiuk and Tamara WesternUsing Video Rubrics to Enhance Student LearningTim Campbell For the full abstract of the present...

3:15 PO POŁUDNIU EDT - 4:30 PO POŁUDNIU EDT | 1 godz. 15 min.

Introducing Citizen Science in Introductory AstronomyKarim JafferLearn how students are introduced to Citizen Science in Introductory Astronomy using simple image processing techniques - with self-directed projects available for those interested in a deeper dive. Participants should download files and software to prepare for the workshop via 

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