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Session 6D: 21st Century Connected Cooking Lab: Innovation or Waste of Bandwidth?

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10:45 AM, Friday 3 Nov 2023 (1 hour 15 minutes)
LUNCH   12:00 PM to 01:15 PM (1 hour 15 minutes)
Vocational trainingEducation Technology

Moderator: Robin Long, Provincial Organization of Continuing Education Directors, English (PROCEDE)

In vocational education, we welcome people from all walks of life, including students who struggle with the language of instruction. Our main goal is to facilitate the learning and success of all our students in a way that is congruent with the practice of the trade. We want to share what we have discovered regarding:

  • A multimedia approach: using a combination of new technologies and Google Education to develop a transformative learning environment in a practical laboratory setting, with the installation of screens, casting devices, and strong Wi-Fi.
  • Adapting the content of the curriculum and the pedagogical approach to the environment, trade practices, and diversity of the learners. Our evaluation documents encourage confidence in their learning and success.

We will present a two-year project that involved intense collaboration between vocational teachers, a pedagogical consultant, and the support of the administration, resulting in students from all different backgrounds successfully entering the trade workforce. This project has created waves in the vocational world and influenced other digital integration projects tailored to the needs of specific trades. 

Join us to experience an adaptive approach to learning a trade.

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