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Session 3B: Je m’engage donc nous sommes : Improving Motivation to Communicate in French as a Second Language Through Community Involvement

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1:30 PM, Thursday 2 Nov 2023 (1 hour 15 minutes)
InterculturelCommunity EngagementFrench language


Maria Popica, John Abbott College

Philippe Gagné, Vanier College

Sylvain Rouleau, Service du bénévolat à l'hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal

Recent studies have shown criticism from  English-speaking youth regarding their journey in learning French as a second language, as well as their perceptions towards members of the Francophone community. However, these studies have also indicated that intergroup interactions had a positive impact on perceptions and French language skills.

This roundtable presents an educational intervention approach implemented in the English-speaking college environment aimed at enhancing the learning experience of students in French as a second language.

This approach involves the implementation of a second-language French course based on the Community Engagement Learning (CEL) approach, which was taught alternately in the classroom and in a French-speaking environment.

Following a description of the approach and the intervention method, the speakers will present research results regarding the impact of this educational intervention on motivation for learning French as a second language and attitudes towards the Francophone community.

Lastly, testimonials from teachers and a facilitator from the project will discuss student mentoring methods and their own successes and challenges.

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