Session 1: Welcoming Remarks, followed by Keynote Address: The Vital Importance of Control and Management of Our School System by Our Community.

My Session Status
Welcome remarks:
Brian Lewis, Professor, Concordia University and Co-Director, QUESCREN
Opening Keynote Address
Russell Copeman, Executive Director, Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA)
Moderator: Brian Lewis
An accessible and robust education system is a crucial element in the vitality of minority-language communities. School boards serving the English-speaking community of Québec have existed since before Confederation. Initially organized along denominational lines (Protestant and Roman Catholic), linguistic school boards were created by a 1997 constitutional amendment.
Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and resulting jurisprudence, guarantees the right of minority-language communities to “manage and control” their education systems. Over the years, there have been a number of pieces of Québec legislation which arguably infringe on these constitutional rights. The most recent, and most sweeping have been Bill 40 (passed in 2020) and Bill 23, which is currently before the Quebec National Assembly.
This keynote address will explore the impact on Bills 40 and 23 on the English education system in Québec, and the response of English school boards, and the courts, thus far.
Dr. Lewis is Co-director of QUESCREN, Chair of ILET, and Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University.