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12:15 PM, Thursday 6 Oct 2022 EDT (2 hours 5 minutes)
Coffee Break   02:20 PM to 02:40 PM (20 minutes)
The Westin Nova Scotian - Commonwealth   Virtual session
This session is in the past.
The virtual space is closed.

13 : 15 — 13 : 40

468- How Dispersant Impacts the Rising of Oil Droplet from Deep Sea?

Thomas Le Bihan, Cedre


13 : 40 — 14 : 05

703- Dispersant Formulations with Machine Learning-Aided Causal Interface for Effective Oil Spill Response

Baiyu (Helen) Zhang, Memorial University of Newfoundland


14 : 05 — 14 : 30

193- Reducing Oil Droplet Sizes from a Subsea Oil and Gas Release by Mechanical Dispersion

Per Johan Brandvik, SINTEF Ocean


14 : 30 — 14 : 55

608- Biodegradation of a Green Dispersant for Marine Oil Spill Response

Xing Song, Memorial University of Newfoundland


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