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Greetings from our Senior Science Advisor - Dr. Kenneth Lee



I am most honored to be here to briefly introduce the Multi-Partner Research Initiative (MPRI). As one of the parts of the national Oceans Protection Plan, the goal of MPRI is to establish an integrated, global research network to advance oil spill research in Canada and enhance Canada’s level of preparedness and response capability.

Since our inception in 2017, the MPRI has established a world-class network of expertise on oil spill response science. To date, over $35 million in grants and contributions have been awarded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to 40 projects and partnerships involving over 240 researchers from 60 institutions and 12 countries.


What is the Multi-Partner Research Initiative (MPRI)

MPRI is an oil spill research program under Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan under the leadership of DFO. Its governance includes a Steering Committee comprised of representatives from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Canadian Coast Guard, Natural Resources Canada and Transport Canada; an Advisory Committee with key clients and stakeholders that includes representatives from the Provinces and Territories, Indigenous Groups, private sector industries, regulators, operational oil spill response organizations, and academia; and Technical Advisory Committees at the project level.

The goal of MPRI is to build a research network that brings together the best scientific expertise in oil spill research, both nationally and internationally, to advance scientific knowledge to support decision making on oil spill response and remediation strategies and to enhance Canada’s response “toolkit”.



Locations of MPRI Researchers

Program Areas focus on the following Alternative Response Measures (ARMs):

(i) Spill treating agents

(ii) In-situ burning

(iii) Oil translocation

(iv) Decanting

(v) Natural attenuation

(vi) Cross-cutting research


MPRI Newsletter


(Source, Fisheries and Oceans Canada)

Click here for more information about MPRI








About MPRI