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Risk Assessment

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8:15 AM, Thursday 6 Oct 2022 EDT (1 hour 15 minutes)
Coffee Break   09:30 AM to 09:50 AM (20 minutes)

09 : 15 — 09 : 40

203- Long-Term Multi-Species Consequences of Oil Spill Scenarios in the Salish Sea Using an Atlantis Model

Raisha Lovindeer, University of British Columbia


09 : 40 — 10 : 05

401- Quantitative Review Summarizes the Effects of Oil Pollution on Arctic and Subarctic Marine Invertebrates

Verena Kalter, Memorial University of Newfoundland


10 : 05 — 10 : 30

553- Developing the Toxicological Evidence for Alternate Response Measures to Respond to Ship-Sourced Oil Spills Along Canada's Coasts

Jason Durante, Huntsman Marine Science Centre

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