Sessions in which Kent Lien participates
Friday 7 October, 2022
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
7:30 AM
7:30 AM EDT -
9:10 AM EDT |
1 hour 40 minutes
08 : 30 — 08 : 55503- Tackle the Evaporation Rates of Volatile HNS: A Lab-Scale Experiment to Serve Marine Pollution ResponseThomas Le Bihan, Cedre 08 : 55 — 09 : 20444- Operational Feasibility and Viability Analyses for Shoreline Treatment: “Getting It Right from the Start”Edward Owens, OCC 09 : 20 — 09 : 45636- Physical-Chemical Properties of Very Low Sulphur Fuel Oils (VLSFO) and Chem...