Jan Lust
He has a Ph.D. in Development Studies (Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico) and a Master Degree in Economics (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands). He is part of the board of directives of the University Ricardo Palma Research Center. He has experience in the development and execution of research projects. He teaches courses in national and international economics for business students and sociologists as well as research methodology at the Master's and Ph.D. level. He is advisor for doctoral theses in Global Business Administration and Sociology, as well as for the Master Degree in Political Science. He publishes in indexed journals in Spanish and English. He is the author of Lucha revolucionaria. Perú, 1958-1967 (2013), a work on the history of the revolutionary struggle in Peru in the sixties, and Capitalism, class and revolution in Peru, 1980-2016 (2018), a book that analyzes the political economic and social reasons for which the Peruvian socialist left has not been able to carry out its project of revolutionary social transformation. His academic interests encompass issues related to the political and economic development of Peru, international political economy, Marxist state theory, social classes, labor issues, and social movements.