Steffen Lehndorff
Steffen Lehndorff, born 1947, Dr. rer.pol., economist. Research Fellow at the Institut Arbeit und Qualifikation (Institute for Work, Skills and Qualification / IAQ), University of Duisburg/Essen, Germany. Before retiring in 2012 he worked as the Head of Department on Working-Time and Work Organisation at IAQ. His areas of comparative research include problems of European integration and national varieties of capitalism and employment relations in the EU.
Recent publications include
“New Deal” means being prepared for conflict. What we can learn from the New Deal of the 1930s. Hamburg: VSA, 2020
The German “reforms” – no model for the EU. In: Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina / Palumbo, Antonella / Villa, Paola (eds.): Economic policy, crisis and innovation. Beyond austerity in Europe. London and New York: Routledge, 2020, pp. 51–65 (with Gerhard Bosch)
Rough waters: European trade unions in a time of crises. Brussels: ETUI, 2018 (ed. with Heiner Dribbusch and Thorsten Schulten)
Divisive integration. The triumph of failed ideas in Europe – revisited. Brussels: ETUI, 2015 (ed.)