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Introduction to Qualtrics

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10:45 AM, Friday 10 Feb 2023 (30 minutes)
  Virtual session
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Basic introduction of Qualtrics, how to build a survey, where to find training & resources.

Who's Attending

Caroline D'amour
Director, Web Communications
Concordia University
Stephanie Kroll
Concordia University
Wendy Ing
Concordia University
Ming Xia
IITS, Concordia University
Leslie Ann Hughes
Coordiantor, Mentorship and Volunteer programs
Institute for Co-operative Education, Concordia University
Natalie Camirand
Concordia University
Maria Mosquera
Concordia Univeristy
Maria Acuna
Concordia University
Cristian Chirca
Associate Director of Cybersecurity
Concordia University

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