Jennifer McCance
Sessions in which Jennifer McCance attends
Thursday 9 February, 2023
One of the greatest challenges with developing digital skills is figuring out what you need to learn and to what extent. This session provides a framework for guiding you through both challenges. Specifically, by the end of this session, you should be able to (1) use a search strategy that identifies the types of ...
In this presentation, I would like to introduce how artificial intelligence can be used in the context of the university, and how it can benefit the Concordia community: from AI usage in a student service context (such as a Chatbot), to helping students learn better (AI Learning Assistants) to a fully immersive learning experience (conversing with an AI entity in Virtual Reality). The objective is to help attendees get a better understanding of what AI is and wh...
The session will focus on presenting the various ways to gamify an online course. Through a visual example (screen sharing) of a Moodle course called Universal Design for Learning (UDL) & Moodle, the presenters will show what is gamification, why and when to use it and how to gamify a Moodle course using Moodle Core Features and additional plugins.Actually, in Moodle, multiple core features are available to gamify a course,...
In this session, presenters will focus on the potential of integration of intelligent assistants (chatbots) into online Moodle courses, using IBM Watson Assistant Technology.The first use case is called “Professor support”. It demonstrates the possibility of integrating chatbots into Moodle courses, MOOCs or trainings, in order to enhance learning, facilitate content browsing and save time when answering frequently asked questi...
Friday 10 February, 2023
In French, the doublet (e.g., étudiantes et étudiants) is often used instead of the masculine form. Although long and sometimes impractical, this helps make our communications more inclusive. For contexts where the space is restricted, the truncated form - la forme tronquée ou doublet abrégé - (e.g., étudiant.e.s) is now commonly used. In this presentation, we'll discuss current trends and limi...