Silvia Ugolini
Formation in law , B.C.L and LL.B at McGill University, graduated 1982 National Program
Four years in private practice, business, immigration, general litigation
1988 reoriented to the newly developed area of estate and financial planning in the financial services sector
1988 - 2008 Mutual of Canada, Clarica, Sun Life Regional Director Estate and Financial Planning Services
Full financial planning, with a specialty in Financing Shareholders Agreements and Philanthropy
Completed reputable course at the Banff Centre for Management 1996
Elected to the board of directors of l ' Institut Québécois de Planification Financìère for six years, three consecutive mandates 2006-2012
Recruited to Concordia University as Director Planned Giving in 2009
Quadrilingual, people oriented, public speaker, married and mother of three adult children.
Sessions in which Silvia Ugolini attends
Thursday 9 February, 2023
In this presentation, I would like to introduce how artificial intelligence can be used in the context of the university, and how it can benefit the Concordia community: from AI usage in a student service context (such as a Chatbot), to helping students learn better (AI Learning Assistants) to a fully immersive learning experience (conversing with an AI entity in Virtual Reality). The objective is to help attendees get a better understanding of what AI is and wh...
This workshop aims to showcase resources from the Library’s Business Research Portal. Learners will be introduced to best practices in searching for information about industries, markets and the business world, also known as business intelligence. In addition, we will cover elements linked to developing a healthy information diet.
Have you always been curious about silent films? Are you looking for new releases or foreign films? Perhaps you’re passionate about history or interested in contemporary video art. Concordia Library has Music and Video databases to discover.The session will introduce databases in Cinema and Music available through the Library. We will explore strategies on how to browse the collections and offer suggestions for thematic explora...
The session is aimed to introduce participants to Loop components in Teams , and how it can be used to smooth out on-the-fly collaboration.Please click
Friday 10 February, 2023
Are you struggling with managing your overflowing emails? Are you trying to control the emails in your inbox with no avail? Are you tired of always typing the same response over and over?In the session, you will learn Outlook functionalities which will address those issues, save you time and help you manage your emails effectively.
You probably routinely use spell check and grammar check on documents to ensure they are error free. Do you, however, accessibility check? Accessible documents and content are of vital importance for people with disabilities, and are also helpful for everybody. And ensuring accessibility can be as straightforward as ensuring zero spelling errors using spell check! This session walks you through...
This session will cover Teams features specific to organizing and managing private and channel meetings in Teams. The relationship between Teams and other MS 365 applications and services will be presented in the context of Teams meetings (Forms, Stream, OneDrive, SharePoint, Outlook).Topics will include:- how to schedule meetings from Outlook and Teams - What is the difference between notific...
An overview of the current cybersecurity landscape and how is Concordia impacted.From theory to practice, through the cybersecurity trenches, based on facts and stats, the most common threats, how Concordia fights to protect its community, and how everyone can help.