John Murray
I am currently an Instructional Designer with Digital Education Strategies at The Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University. I hold an MA in Educational Technology from Concordia University and have designed in a variety of learning environments, including K-12, higher education, and corporate. This past year, I co-developed and co-led a two-week training to help Chang School instructors transition to remote teaching, with a focus on communication strategies and authentic assessment.
I enjoy reading about and discussing the many facets of online learning. Please reach out on Twitter (@Murray_Je), or find me in a nearby virtual hallway. :)
Sessions auxquelles John Murray participe
Lundi 19 Avril, 2021
Sessions auxquelles John Murray assiste
Lundi 19 Avril, 2021
DescriptionWelcome to the Hallway via the platform Wonder! This networking platform is meant to simulate the live experience of informal networking and connecting with your peers in between sessions. The virtual room is open all day, you may revisit at any point during the day.Before joining the room...Make sure to turn off all video conferencing tools - Parallel video calls may lead to technica...
From Other-Regulation to Self Regulation: Gamification of Language Learning Strategy Instruction. Teresa Hernandez Gonzalez, Concordia University Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Undergraduate Courses, Silvia Mazabel, University of British ColumbiaThe SRL Paradox: How Instructor Presence Fosters Self-Regulated Learning, Laila Ferreira, University of British Columbia; Jennifer Walsh Marr, University of British Columbia; Katherine Lyon, University of British Columbia; Silvia ...
Mardi 20 Avril, 2021
We all want to make the world a better place, but most of us don’t know where to start. Our keynote, Amy Fish, can turn a raving rant into a complaint that works. In this talk, Amy walks you through six tips for complaining effectively – each illustrated with a colorful anecdote. Whether you want equal pay for equal work or you’re just looking for a side of fries, Amy’s tips will show you how you can be instrumental in changing your life – and the world – for the better. Am...
The password is: Hello!DescriptionWelcome to the Hallway via the platform Wonder! This networking platform is meant to simulate the live experience of informal networking and connecting with your peers in between sessions. The virtual room is open all day, you may revisit at any point during the day.Before joining the room...Make sure to turn off all video conferencing tools - Parallel video calls may lead to technical difficulties.
Ray Gallon, The Transformation Society; Neus Lorenzo Galés, Catalonia
Is these such a thing as Learning Experience Design? Pedagogical Innovation: Bridging the Research-Practice Chasm, Rob Cassidy, Concordia University Incorporating Mindfulness, Exercise and Healthy Screen Breaks into Your Online Courses, Erica Hargreave, University of British Columbia
Mercredi 21 Avril, 2021
JIRA - Agile Technology Which Manages Operations Other Than Teaching and Learning, Orzu Kamolova, Université de Montréal Organizational Change Experienced by Universities Moving to Online Learning: Partnerships for Success, Cindy Ives, Athabasca University; Pamela Walsh, Athabasca University
Myriam Girouard-Gagné, Université de Montréal, Micheline Joanne Durand, Université de Montréal,
Erica Hargreave, University of British Columbia; Lori Yearwood, Ahimsa Media
Over one million Rohingya refugees are in camps in Bangladesh, forced to flee a brutal campaign of genocide. This presentation discusses how a Canadian volunteer-based initiative has been working with the Rohingya and other displaced communities in Bangladesh, and has set up various low-cost educational initiatives including digital learning to reduce the gap of educational access for people living in camps, particularly with the effects of COVID. The session discusses the context of the work...