Loyola campus - Concordia University - SP building - room S110 (basement level S1)
8:45 AM
8:45 AM
- Opening Remarks Loyola campus - Concordia University - SP building - room S110 (basement level S1)
- 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM | 15 minutes
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
- Keynote: Tara L. Deans - Utilizing synthetic biology to advance therapeutics Loyola campus - Concordia University - SP building - room S110 (basement level S1)
- 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM | 1 hour
- Utilizing synthetic biology to advance therapeutics. Synthetic biology has transformed how cells can be reprogramme...
- Keynote
10:15 AM
10:15 AM
- Session 1: Metabolic Engineering and Bioprocessing Loyola campus - Concordia University - SP building - room S110 (basement level S1)
- 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM | 2 hours
1:15 PM
1:15 PM
- Session 2: Automation for Synthetic Biology Loyola campus - Concordia University - SP building - room S110 (basement level S1)
- 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM | 1 hour 45 minutes
- Etienne Laurent - MISO Chip - Microfluidic Systems for Next-Generation Functional Cancer Diagnostics
- Noémie-Manuelle Dorval Courchesne - Fabrication of textile-protein materials for responsible wearables
- Nicholas Gold - A biofoundry for microbial cell factories and mammalian cell lines: accelerating discovery and development
- 2 Oral presentations selected from abstracts
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
- Raymond DiDonato - Avoid the High Costs of Oligo Delays in Gene Synthesis and Protein Engineering with Benchtop Enzymatic DNA Synthesis Loyola campus - Concordia University - SP building - room S110 (basement level S1)
- 1:00 PM - 1:15 PM | 15 minutes
- Engineered proteins, mRNA constructs and genes are constructed via gene assembly o...
- Talk
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
- Session 5: Gene Regulation and Cell Circuitry Loyola campus - Concordia University - SP building - room S110 (basement level S1)
- 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM | 2 hours
3:45 PM
3:45 PM
- Keynote: Carl de Boer - Deciphering genome regulation or: How I learned to stop worrying and love random DNA Loyola campus - Concordia University - SP building - room S110 (basement level S1)
- 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM | 1 hour
- Deciphering genome regulation or: How I learned to stop worrying and love random DNA. Gene expression is regulated ...
- Keynote
4:45 PM
4:45 PM
- Award Announcements and Closing Remarks Loyola campus - Concordia University - SP building - room S110 (basement level S1)
- 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM | 15 minutes