SHMII-11 Montreal 2022
August 8, 2022, 8:00 AM - August 12, 2022, 5:00 PM
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Preliminary Sessions Outline Published
Regular sessions
Paper submission open post-deadline
Special sessions
Student Poster Competition [Deadline: 2022 - July - 22]
Exhibition/Sponsorship opportunity [Deadline: 2022 - July - 17]
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION (Including banquet ticket) IS OPEN TILL 15 JULY 2022
Brief about ISHMII and SHMII – 11:
The 11th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-11), one of the leading international conferences in the domain of Civil-Structural Health Monitoring is being organized in collaboration with the International Society of Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII), Government organizations, and Industry partners. The International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII) is the leading Global Non-profit Organization of Civil-Structural Health Monitoring Practitioners and Researchers (Website: – comprising large participation ranging from academia, industry, government, and research organizations to focus on the research and innovation in the area of SHM and sustainable civil infrastructure.
Although SHMII-11 is conceived to be an in-person event, owing to the ever-changing travel restrictions due to the pandemic, the alternative, i.e., the hybrid mode of the conference may also be an option if the situation demands.
Conference theme:
In the age of infrastructural boom on one hand and crisis on the other, the challenge of providing safe and efficient structural systems is a two-fold problem involving green and brownfield scenarios. Therefore, today it is imperative to venture into some intelligent technologies and/or practices to ensure the desired standard for the overall performance of the system. On top of it, monitoring climate change impact is also a timely need for securing a sustainable built environment, where Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) takes an important role. The conference also wants to address the issues associated with extreme climatic conditions.
Key areas:
[01] Structural System Identification & Model Updating
[02] Structural Health Diagnosis/Signal Processing
[03] Damage Identification and Safety Assessment
[04] Strengthening, Repair, and Maintenance
[05] Durability Issues in Harsh Environments
[06] Sensors & Devices: NDT/NDE, Internet of Things (IoT), etc.
[07] Smart Materials and Systems
[08] Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cloud Computing Applications
[09] Resilient and Sustainable Civil Infrastructure
[10] Practical Applications and Case Studies
[11] Other Monitoring Applications
(e.g., Occupant Comfort,
Environmental Monitoring,
Building Energy consumption,
Climate Change effects,
Cold Climate and Northern Issues)
[12] Other Emerging Topics in SHM
All papers, presented at the conference, will be published in the conference proceedings (ISSN 2564-3738). Selected papers of the conference will be considered for publication in the Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (JCSHM, ISSN: Electronic - 2190-5479, Print - 2190-5452; with Springer in an extended and updated version as per the journal standard.
Conference Chair’s message:
“It is my pleasure to welcome you all to the 11th International Conference on Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-11), which is going to take place on 8-12th August 2022 in Montreal, Canada. Montreal, one of the most prominent technology hubs of Canada, is known for its research and application in the field of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) along with its allied areas.
In the age of infrastructural boom, the challenge of maintaining the structural systems safe and efficient is a two-fold problem involving green and brownfield scenarios. Therefore, today it is imperative to venture into some intelligent technology and/or practices to ensure the desired standard for the overall performance of the system.
Therefore, I do hereby invite the SHM researcher communities – both from academia and industry, to join the conference with their cutting-edge research and their applications in the respective fields of practice. Let SHMII-11 be a melting pot of emerging ideas leading to the re-evaluation of the state of art SHM practices.”
Conference Chair:
Dr. Ashutosh Bagchi, P. Eng., FCSCE
Professor and Chair
Department of Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering
Concordia University
Montreal, Canada