Jane Kennedy
I am a first year doctoral student in the department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at OISE. My research interests center on conversations (Science Discourse) in science classrooms: how can conversations be used to promote and better understand student identity, scientific literacy, conceptual understanding as well as fostering communication and collaboration skills? I am also interested in how various conversational strategies can be assessed and evaluated with reliability and validity. I am also a full time science/ chemistry teacher in the Durham District School Board (east of Toronto, Ca) where, in my 23 years+ of teaching, I have also served at the system level as the NTIP/Staff Development Facilitator (2016-2018) and also as the STEM/ Science K-12 Facilitator (2018-2021). My advisor is Dr. Jim Slotta and I am a member of the Encore Lab which studies technology enhanced learning environments as well as critical action/science education in STEM as well as active learning.
Sessions in which Jane Kennedy attends
Monday 12 June, 2023
Implementation of Case Studies in Scientific DisciplinesBeth Acton and Tania PeresCase studies provide an authentic learning activity by stimulating students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. This workshop will guide science teachers in successfully integrating case studies into their curriculum by providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the best practices for case study design and implementation. During the worksho...
3 PresentationsDesigning Inquiry-Based Pedagogies for STEM Education: Connecting Theory and Practice Shanmugavalli Narayanan and Anila AsgharThe role of the teacher in a project-based course in higher educationHélène Nadeau and Sylvia CoxDesigning and implementing a case-based instructional approach to a microeconomics course based on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learni...
Link to join the live stream: https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/86300688484 “Educators collaborating to innovate: The roles digital technologies can play”As blended learning is now ...
Designing Inquiry-Based Labs for Physics and Biology: Lessons learned from practitioner-researcher partnershipsRhys Adams, Karl Laroche, Elizabeth Charles, Kevin Lenton, Michael Dugdale, Sean Hughes, Caroline Cormier, Véronique Turcotte and Chao ZhangWe report on two Inquiry-Based Laboratory (IBL) based practitioner-researcher partnerships. Our IBL implementations have evolved over 2-3 semesters, resulting in (1) a four-module sequence that culminates in a de...