Jane Kennedy
I am a first year doctoral student in the department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at OISE. My research interests center on conversations (Science Discourse) in science classrooms: how can conversations be used to promote and better understand student identity, scientific literacy, conceptual understanding as well as fostering communication and collaboration skills? I am also interested in how various conversational strategies can be assessed and evaluated with reliability and validity. I am also a full time science/ chemistry teacher in the Durham District School Board (east of Toronto, Ca) where, in my 23 years+ of teaching, I have also served at the system level as the NTIP/Staff Development Facilitator (2016-2018) and also as the STEM/ Science K-12 Facilitator (2018-2021). My advisor is Dr. Jim Slotta and I am a member of the Encore Lab which studies technology enhanced learning environments as well as critical action/science education in STEM as well as active learning.
Sessions in which Jane Kennedy attends
segunda-feira 12 junho, 2023
Implementation of Case Studies in Scientific DisciplinesBeth Acton and Tania PeresCase studies provide an authentic learning activity by stimulating students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. This workshop will guide science teachers in successfully integrating case studies into their curriculum by providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the best practices for case study design and implementation. During the worksho...
3 PresentationsDesigning Inquiry-Based Pedagogies for STEM Education: Connecting Theory and Practice Shanmugavalli Narayanan and Anila AsgharThe role of the teacher in a project-based course in higher educationHélène Nadeau and Sylvia CoxDesigning and implementing a case-based instructional approach to a microeconomics course based on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learni...
Link to join the live stream: https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/86300688484 “Educators collaborating to innovate: The roles digital technologies can play”As blended learning is now ...
Designing Inquiry-Based Labs for Physics and Biology: Lessons learned from practitioner-researcher partnershipsRhys Adams, Karl Laroche, Elizabeth Charles, Kevin Lenton, Michael Dugdale, Sean Hughes, Caroline Cormier, Véronique Turcotte and Chao ZhangWe report on two Inquiry-Based Laboratory (IBL) based practitioner-researcher partnerships. Our IBL implementations have evolved over 2-3 semesters, resulting in (1) a four-module sequence that culminates in a de...