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Powering Sustainable Aviation - Hydrogen Perspectives

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9:55 AM, Wednesday 1 Jun 2022 EDT (35 minutes)
Refreshment Break    10:30 AM to 11:00 AM (30 minutes)

Several studies have reported hydrogen (H2) as a potential means to decarbonize the aviation industry. However, while it may represent a zero carbon fuel opportunity, introducing alternate fuels such as H2 involves many gas turbine engine development activities. This presentation will provide an overview of P&WC sustainability agenda and some of the main aspects to be managed when burning H2 in a gas turbine engine. Technology roadmaps will be discussed such as direct H2 combustion and integrated aircraft systems that harvest liquid H2 potential in order to maximize aircraft block energy efficiency. Environmental aspects such as non CO2 emissions abatement options will be briefly explained. In conclusion, a perspective of the products timeline readiness for different H2 aircraft families will be presented.

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