Christian Moreau
Christian Moreau is a professor in the Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering Department at Concordia University since 2013. He is the holder of the Canada Research Chair Tier 1 in Thermal Spray and Surface Engineering and Director of the Concordia Institute for Aerospace Design and Innovation (CIADI). Since 2017, he leads the NSERC Canada Research Strategic Network on Surface Engineering for Advanced Manufacturing (Green-SEAM). He is also director and co-founder on the Concordia Research Centre on Thermal Spray and Surface Engineering (TSSE).
Dr. Moreau has developed several sensors for monitoring thermal spray particles in flight and upon impact on a substrate. The patented optical diagnostic systems, DPV evolution and Accuraspary, are commercialized worldwide for advanced control of thermal spray processes in both production and research environments. His current research interests are in the treatment of materials by thermal spraying (plasma spraying, HVOF, cold spray, etc.), study of the relationships between the structure of coatings and their functional properties as well as diagnostics, modelling and control of thermal spray processes. His research focuses on nano- and micro-structured coatings deposited by suspension plasma spraying and cold spraying for industrial applications.