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Teaching and Learning: Implications of Our Digital Habits

1:15 PM, Friday 10 Feb 2023 (1 hour)
  Virtual session
This session is in the past.
The virtual space is closed.

Our digital habits and experiences influence the ways in which we learn, teach, collaborate and make decisions. From Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat… to Discord, Chegg, Coursehero, CodeAcademy, ratemyprofessor… to likes, upvotes, reviews, shares, memes, emojis…

How might these impact what happens in and around class?

This session is less of a "How-to", and more of a "what and why" exploration of our digital habits and understanding their potential impacts for the classroom. It will include a discussion on how instructors could factor these habits into their teaching and assessment strategies.

Please click here to access the presentation.

Center for Teaching and Learning, Concordia University
Manager, Online Exams

Who's Attending 

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