Yamna Ettarres
Yamna Ettarres has a PhD in Business Computing and more than 20 years of experience as a professor. She has been working for more than 15 years as a Learning Technology Specialist, training and mentoring professors in multiple universities. She was the coordinator and team lead of an online program “e-Marketing and Digital Strategies” and has authored and co-authored multiple scientific publications about e-learning. She was awarded the Moodle Educator Certificate MEC by Moodle HQ. She is currently part of the task force , mentoring team members and creating training content using Moodle and director of Academic Innovation and Technologies, in KnowledgeOne. Her goal is to create engaging and innovative online courses according to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework, in addition to the integration of AI tools into Moodle, such as learning analytics tools and IBM Watson Assistants (chatbots).