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Break - Join us in the Hallway!

Decorative image for session Break - Join us in the Hallway!

Mon statut pour la session

12:15 PM, Mercredi 21 Avr 2021 (1 heure)
  Session virtuelle
Cette session est dans le passé.
L'espace virtuel est fermé.
The password is: Hello!


Welcome to the Hallway via the platform Wonder! This networking platform is meant to simulate the live experience of informal networking and connecting with your peers in between sessions. The virtual room is open all day, you may revisit at any point during the day.

Before joining the room...

  • Make sure to turn off all video conferencing tools - Parallel video calls may lead to technical difficulties.

  • For the best virtual experience connect on desktop, not mobile.

  • Wonder is not well supported in Internet Explorer, for an optimal experience we recommend using Chrome

Once inside the room, you can...

  • Check the participant list and find colleagues in the room with similar areas of interest

  • Join or leave conversations by moving your cursor to a different group of people

  • Create large or small groups by finding different areas to network in the room

  • Interact via video or chat – with individuals or groups you join

  • If you wish to have a private conversation, you may lock your circle with the lock icon visible in the upper right corner


  1. Click on the “Join virtual session” green button above

  2. Take a snapshot – Click on the button and give us your best smile!

  3. Enter the room – Type in the Hello!

  4. Answer the icebreaker question

  5. Explore – move your cursor and click to navigate around the room and join discussion circles and chat with others

For any issues, please add your comments or chat to ALL and we will be sure to address anything.

Wonder PrivacyPolicy

Mon statut pour la session



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Detail de session
Pour chaque session, permet aux participants d'écrire un court texte de feedback qui sera envoyé à l'organisateur. Ce texte n'est pas envoyé aux présentateurs.
Afin de respecter les règles de gestion des données privées, cette option affiche uniquement les profils des personnes qui ont accepté de partager leur profil publiquement.

Les changements ici affecteront toutes les pages de détails des sessions