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Birds of a Feather

Mon statut pour la session

3:30 PM, Mardi 20 Avr 2021 (1 heure)
  Session virtuelle
Cette session est dans le passé.
L'espace virtuel est fermé.
  • Is these such a thing as Learning Experience Design? 
  • Pedagogical Innovation: Bridging the Research-Practice Chasm, Rob Cassidy, Concordia University 
  • Incorporating Mindfulness, Exercise and Healthy Screen Breaks into Your Online Courses, Erica Hargreave, University of British Columbia 

Erica Hargreave


Dr Robert Cassidy


Mon statut pour la session



Ajoutez un commentaire
    Erica Hargreave
    Il y a presque 4 ans
    If anyone wants a space to host healthy screen break activities, we are happy to invite you to create the Health and Wellness Studio with us on
    Erica Hargreave
    Il y a presque 4 ans
    And finally a free yin yoga class with Lori here:
    Erica Hargreave
    Il y a presque 4 ans
    Some On the Go Mindfulness Activities from Lori here:
    Erica Hargreave
    Il y a presque 4 ans
    You can find some of the online activity breaks that we've been building into our courses here: Feel free to reuse, repurpose & remix.
    Erica Hargreave
    Il y a presque 4 ans
    A few slides that Lori and I put together to inspire healthy screen breaks:
    Erica Hargreave
    Il y a presque 4 ans
    Please find a description for the Screen Break Session here:
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